Tekken 7 Ranks in Order (March 2025) Online + Offline List
![Tekken 7 Ranks in Order ([nmf] [cy]) Online + Offline List](https://www.ofzenandcomputing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/All-Tekken-7-Ranks-in-Order-2020-Updated-List-Online-Offline.jpg)
The world of gaming has changed drastically over the past few years. Nowadays, every child and teenager is playing games whenever they have free time, either on their PC or smartphones. The most popular genre by far is Fighting - there's no denying it!
Tekken 7 for example is one of the best fighting games that you can play against bots or other players in actual matches where your rank will go up depending on how many opponents you defeat. So everyone just wants to be a better fighter than all others in Tekken 7 ranks list to show off what they've achieved here.
Tekken 7 is considered to be the best fighting game and it's one of the most difficult as well. Tekken 7 was developed by Bandai Namco Studios and produced by Motohiro Okubo, and Michael Murray. The game has been made available on many platforms such as Arcade, windows, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One - that means you can play your favorite fighter in a variety of ways.
In addition to offering 1v1 fights with new features like rage art & power crush (not to mention screw hits), there are also rage drive moves, when things get really intense during battle!
Now, before going to guide you about Tekken 7 ranks, I will tell you about its online and offline rank systems. So, read them carefully.
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Tekken 7 Offline Ranks
Are you new to Tekken 7? If so, I recommend starting with offline story mode. The offline story helps players develop skills and get a better understanding of what it's like to play the game in general before going online. You'll also be more prepared for a fight with opponents.

When you start winning the fights you will start getting Tekken 7 offline ranks. To increase rank you should play the arcade and treasure battles. You can easily increase your rank in offline mode as it isn't that difficult. In the offline Tekken 7 rankings, you start with the lowest rank 1st kyu and then your rank gets increases every time you win matches.
Tekken 7 Online Ranks
You're on the path to enlightenment! You can now take your game to new heights with online ranked matches, where you'll be able to battle it out against some of Tekken 7's best fighters. Not only will this help push you up in Tekken 7 online ranks, but it also allows for more opportunities that come along with playing at a higher level.

Ranked matches in Tekken 7 are tough. When you first start playing, your rank is 1st Dan and all of your opponents have the same rank as you do. If you win a match then your ranking goes up - so make sure to fight hard each time. But if they beat you. well, it's not good for your ranking either because you will go down one level.
It might sound easy at first but there's more than just fighting in ranked matches; every character has its own moves which means that before starting any fights, players need to learn how to use them properly, or else things could get rough. So be prepared when entering into ranked mode by learning what different combos work best against certain characters.
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All Tekken 7 Ranks List 2025 (In Order)
There are many ranks in Tekken 7 and they are divided into 12 groups so that you can easily understand them. Your progress with your character will be reflected in your rank.

The list of All Tekken 7 ranks in order (2025):
- Beginner: First Kyu through Ninth Kyu.
- Dan/Silver: First Dan through Third Dan.
- Light Blue: Initiate, Mentor, Expert, Grand Master.
- Green: Brawler, Marauder, Fighter, Vanguard.
- Yellow: Warrior, Vindicator, Juggernaut, Usurper.
- Orange: Vanquisher, Destroyer, Savior, Overlord.
- Red: Genbu, Byakko, Seiryu, Suzaku.
- Violet/Ruler: Mighty Ruler, Revered Ruler, Divine Ruler, Eternal Ruler.
- Blue: Fujin, Raijin, Yaksa, Ryujin.
- Purple: Emperor, Tekken King.
- Gold: Tekken God, True Tekken God.
- Tekken God Prime.
When you start playing Tekken 7 matches, you start with Kyu ranks (If you start with story offline mode). After that, when you enter online matches, your character starts with the First Dan and till Light blue ranks, you won't get much difficult competition.
Now, at the time you enter in Green tier, the real competition starts. To complete this tier you have to win 70 matches. When you complete it, you are considered to be in the top 50% of the Tekken 7 players.
If you learn all the skills and you have mastered all the skills by winning matches, you get a place in the Violet/Ruler tier and become one of the top 10% of players. So, keep playing until you get Tekken God's prime rank.
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How Tekken 7 Ranks is Determined?

The rank word used here means to compare. As your Tekken 7 ranks are used for comparison, how you are compared to other players in skills. The ranking in Tekken 7 is fair, as you just have to win the matches and your ranking gets increases. Isn't this so simple? No, this just looks simple as you have to work hard to win battles.
How Players Climb Higher in Tekken 7 Rankings?
As you know, Tekken 7 is a point-based game, so to climb higher in Tekken 7 ranks, you have to collect more and more points fast. Now, the question is how can we collect them? so, if you fight with the same rank player, then you didn't get that many points, so keep challenging higher-ranked players. Then show your skills and win matches and get more points.
Playing with higher-ranked players also gives you an advantage that by chance if you lose the fight then you will lose fewer points than you lose a fight with low rankers.
How Much Time Does It take to Climb to the Top Rank?
The ranking doesn't increase with time, it will increase if you earn more points and win matches. Now, to Climb to the top rank, you need to give time to practice in story mode to learn your character's moves correctly. I am sure that if you try this, you will definitely win matches.

You just have to choose one character and have to be master in fighting with it because ranking is different in all the characters. So, it is better to keep pushing ranking in only one character. There is a rank bar within the game so that you can easily check out your progress regularly and by seeing this, you know how many matches you have to win to go to the next tier.
Ranking and Competition Eligibility
Every Tekken 7 competition has different eligibility. Many competitions are held that only take players with red tiers and more, some with only the top 30 players. So, it is up to them.
Tekken 7 has an official page where they post about their events. You can go to the match and check whether any competition is there in which you can participate. You can go to the page by clicking here.
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Now, I hope that the above article was helpful for you and all the ranks are clear to you. So, go back to your game and try to upgrade your Tekken 7 ranks. I hope that now, you can play fearlessly with higher-ranked players as you know about the trick of climbing higher in Tekken 7 rankings.
Always keep smiling and happy gaming!