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Sword Master Story Tier List (April 2025) Best Characters

Sword Master Story Tier List ([nmf] [cy]) Best Characters
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 07/27/2023
Est. Reading: 4 minutes

Sword Master Story is a mobile game with many characters to choose from. When you play the game, you can choose any character you want. However, some are better than others. Each character has its unique strengths and weaknesses.

The Sword Master Story tier list will rank all the characters in the game from best to worst. The best characters are the ones that are strong against most other characters and can win a lot of fights. The worst characters are the ones that are weak against most other characters and will lose a lot of fights.

The Sword Master Story character tier list is a great way to see which characters are the best and worst in the game. It can also help you decide which character you want to play. So if you play Sword Mast Story, you should read on to see which ones are going to accompany you to victory. Now, without further ado, let us dive right in.

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Sword Master Story Tier List (April 2025)

A tier list is a list that ranks the characters in any game in order of their strength and usefulness. This Sword Master Story tier list will help you choose the best characters for your play style. This list is based on specific criteria such as skills, weapons, and abilities.

Sword Master Story Tier List (2025)

There are a lot of benefits to using the Sword Master Story character tier list:

  • You can quickly see which characters are better than others.
  • You can find out what specific skills and abilities each character has.
  • You can determine which characters are best for your play style.
  • The tier list will help you understand the game mechanics.
  • The tier list will help you learn about the game's lore.

We have divided the tier list into four different categories: S, A, B, and C. S is the best, and C is the worst.

Sword Master Story S Tier List (2025)

The best of the best. These characters are extremely powerful and can defeat almost any opponent. If you choose one of these characters, you will have a significant advantage over your opponents. They can easily take down enemies with little to no effort.

Sword Master Story S Tier List (2025)
  • Cain
  • Darkness
  • Megumin
  • Kana
  • Mary
  • Lilith
  • Dark Lord
  • Rachael
  • Odin
  • Rosie
  • Yui

Also Related: Heir of Light Tier List (2025)

Sword Master Story A Tier List (2025)

Tier A characters are the ones that you should always prioritize if you get the chance. They’re incredibly strong and will make your life a lot easier in Sword Master Story. They are all-rounders with high damage outputs and useful addition to your team.

Sword Master Story A Tier List (2025)
  • Kalisia
  • Aina
  • Aqua
  • Dark
  • Lucifer
  • Artemis
  • Athena

Sword Master Story B Tier List (2025)

These are the characters that are considered to be above average but not quite top-tier. They’re still great choices for your team and can hold their own against most opponents. Their versatility is what makes them great, with a really good offense as well as defensive abilities.

Sword Master Story B Tier List (2025)
  • Hestia
  • Gaia
  • Lyn
  • Vivian
  • Cayron
  • Ares
  • Joan of Arc
  • Belphegor

Sword Master Story C Tier List (2025)

These are the Sword Master Story characters that are not worth your time. They're either too weak, or they just don't fit well into the game's mechanics. Either way, you're better off avoiding these characters.

Sword Master Story C Tier List (2025)
  • Robin
  • Hippolyts
  • Rina
  • Chaos
  • Johan
  • Ceres
  • Bella
  • Hera
  • Alice
  • Sylvia
  • Medusa
  • Lena
  • Merlin
  • Nike
  • Iris
  • Chloe
  • Ananke
  • Eve
  • Sophia
  • Medea
  • Adolph

Also Check: Elden Ring Class Tier List (2025) 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Sword Master Story?

Sword Master Story is an action RPG released on September 17th, 2020. It is a fun game with great graphics that will keep you entertained for hours! Sword Master Story is also a survival game, so be sure to stock up on supplies before embarking on your adventure!

2. What are the best characters for my play style?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best Sword Master Story character for your playstyle will depend on several factors. S-tier characters are the best of the best and will give you a significant advantage over your opponents. So if you're looking for an easy win, choose one of these characters!

3. Is this Sword Master Story character tier list static?

No, this Sword Master Story character tier list is not static. It will be updated as new information becomes available and as the game evolves. So be sure to check back often for the most up-to-date information!

4. Which tier should I avoid?

The C tier is the one to avoid. This is because the characters in this tier are generally not well-rounded and lack the ability to compete with those in higher tiers.

5. How do I use this Sword Master Story tier list?

This Sword Master Story tier list can be used as a starting point for your own personal Sword Master Story character ranking. Use it to help you make decisions about which characters to level up, what gear to equip them with, and how to build your team.

Check More: Propnight Killer Tier List (2025)

Final Words

We hope you found this Sword Master Story tier list helpful. Remember, the best characters for your playstyle will depend on several factors, so be sure to take everything into account when making your decisions. And as always, we encourage you to form your own opinions!


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!