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Sims 4 Pregnancy Cheats (April 2025) Twins, Speed Up

Sims 4 Pregnancy Cheats ([nmf] [cy]) Twins, Speed Up
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 07/31/2023
Est. Reading: 9 minutes

The Sims 4 is a life simulation game that allows you to control your sim's lives and experiment with different personalities. When it comes down to having babies, there are some important things you need to know about pregnancy in The Sims 4.

You're going to love this! We are writing about Sims 4 pregnancy cheats. These hacks can help you in so many ways, like speeding up the process, changing your gender, or giving birth when and where you want it, for example. So sit back with a soda (or juice) and read on folks because we have some basic info first.

The Sims 4 - A Quick Introduction

The Sims 4 has been a big hit with gamers and the general public since its launch in 2014. It is considered to be one of the best single-player games ever released, even earning acclaim from players across all platforms (Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One).

The Sims 4 - A Quick Introduction

The gameplay can be both entertaining and challenging; you'll need to control your family's lives while also building their home over time! Despite being out for four years now, though, there are still plenty more features that developers have yet to release, which means this game will never get boring!

Now, for making new sims, you have to make female sims pregnant, and for that, there are some requirements as well. This is what we'll be going over in the next section so stay tuned!

Also Check: Sims 4 Toddler Cheats (2025)

Who Can Get Pregnant in The Sims 4?

Like in real life, a person should be engaged with someone of the opposite gender when trying for a baby. In Sims 4, this is also true- only adults and elders can try to "try for baby" (teens or children cannot participate). The exception here is young adult females who have the opportunity to interact with male teens or elderly males.

Who Can Get Pregnant in The Sims 4?

The Sims 4 is allowing us to create some really interesting characters. For example, you can make a gender non-conforming character and have it be unique because the game offers you options that are mixable and matchable in creating your sims!

These options are available in the "Custom Gender Settings" which comes under the gender selection tab. Open the settings and go to the gender tab in creating a sim, and select the pregnancy category.

In the pregnancy category, you can customize your character (Sims) abilities, whether your sim can get pregnant, make others pregnant, or not. Pregnancy takes time, and if you use Sims 4 pregnancy cheats, then the time can be reduced.

Note: By default, male sims are able to impregnate others and female sims can become pregnant, Now, if you want to change any setting, you can do it easily. Elder males are able to impregnate others but female elders can't become pregnant, even if they possess as well.

Also Useful: Sims 4 CAS Cheat - Full Edit Mode (2025)

How to Get Pregnant and 'Try for Baby' in The Sims 4?

We hope you understand the requirements for being pregnant in sims 4 and are qualified as well. Are you married or in a relationship with someone who is also around 40-50% romantic? If that's true, then at this time "try for baby" will be available.

How to Get Pregnant and 'Try for Baby' in The Sims 4?

Just remember though! That condition has only been announced if any of one partner has the ability to become pregnant and another person can get enough luck getting anyone else pregnant too.

Note: We are not sure how many people are in your family, but if you have 8 or more members, then it's really hard to get a new sim even after practicing and trying for a baby. We mean, this is because Sims 4 only allows up to eight members of one household - so once someone moves out, you can try again!

How to Speed Up Pregnancy in The Sims 4?

As you know, having a new sim can take three days. But now we are going to show you how to speed up the process with this Sims 4 pregnancy cheat. You don't have to wait for three days anymore - just follow these steps and get your baby on the way in no time at all!

How to Speed Up Pregnancy in The Sims 4?

For speeding up pregnancy, first of all, you have to enable your cheats by pressing the short key given below according to your device.

  • For Microsoft Windows: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt
  • For macOS: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt
  • For PS4: Press all the four shoulder buttons
  • For Xbox One: Press all the four shoulder buttons

After using the above shortcut key, type “testingcheats true” and hit the enter button. After that, you will get a message that "Cheats are activated". Now, paste the code given below into the blank box and hit the enter button.

Speed Up Pregnancy Cheat: Sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor

Also Useful: Sims 4 Dine Out Cheats Codes (2025)

How to Change Gender and Have a Girl or Boy Baby in Sims 4?

Do you want to get your sim pregnant for a specific gender baby? Then there are two methods by which you can change your baby's gender. One with a 100% guarantee and the other has 50-50 chances.

How to Change Gender and Have a Girl or Boy Baby in Sims 4?

First of all, we will guide you 100% guaranteed method, which is a cheating method (using sims 4 pregnancy cheats). Follow the steps given below for pursuing this method:

  • Open your game and then use shortcut keys to open the command console.
    • For Microsoft Windows: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt
    • For macOS: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt
    • For PS4: Press all the four shoulder buttons
    • For Xbox One: Press all the four shoulder buttons
  • Now, type “testingcheats true” and hit the enter button.
  • After, using the above shortcut keys, you will get a message "Cheats are activated", which means then now you can activate your cheats. If this message didn't appear then try the keys again.
  • Now, paste the sims 4 pregnancy cheat "cas.fulleditmode".
  • After that, hold the shift key and click on your baby.
  • Now, a pop window or sims creator editor will appear on your screen in which you will get many options, including gender as well.

Now, if you don't want to cheat then you can also try the other method given below.

Now, we'll teach you a trick that might just work for your situation. Most of our users have found it to be very effective, so we recommend giving this method a try before anything else and then letting us know how well it worked out. Follow the steps given below according to your requirement.

  • If you want a girl, have your Sim listen to pop music and eat strawberries.
  • If you want a boy, your Sim needs to listen to alternative music and eat carrots.

Sims 4 Pregnancy Cheats for Twins (2025)

If you're looking to give your pregnant sim twins, these tips are for you. There's nothing better than two newborns at once! These methods work well and will get the job done even in hard mode. Both methods are good, but the 2nd method's success rate is less than the 1st method.

Sims 4 Pregnancy Cheats for Twins (2025)

The best way to get two babies in the Sims 4 is by cheating (Using sims 4 pregnancy cheats twins). This method has a 100% success rate and every user found it helpful, so follow these steps on how to have twins in Sims 4:

  • The first step is to get your sims ID, by using the shortcut method i.e., by typing "sims.get_sim_id_by_name (enter Sim's name here)".
  • Now, you will get a long list that you have to copy.
  • Open the command console by using the shortcut keys given below:
    • For Microsoft Windows: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt
    • For macOS: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt
    • For PS4: Press all the four shoulder buttons
    • For Xbox One: Press all the four shoulder buttons
  • Now, type “testingcheats true” and hit the enter button.
  • After pressing the keys, your cheats are activated. Now, type the Sims 4 pregnancy cheat in the blank box.
  • The cheat code is pregnancy.force_offspring_count (Sim ID here) (number of babies you want your Sim to have).

If you're not into the idea of cheating, then there's another way that might work to your advantage. It may have a lower success rate than some other methods but don't feel discouraged as it does sometimes happen with our users too.

This is a practical method, you can get a fertility massage if you know a Sim with the wellness skill and have the spa day pack installed. Additionally, if your lot trait is “On Ley Line” you’ll have a higher chance of having twins. Again, though, the only way to make 100% sure you have twins is to use the Sims 4 pregnancy cheat.

Also Check: Sims 4 Satisfaction Points Cheat (2025)

Giving Birth in The Sims 4

The time has come for your Sims to give birth. If you think they are in labour moodlet, be ready as after that only 3 hours left before the baby is born! There are two options available when giving birth-laboring out of the house or going into the hospital.

Giving Birth in The Sims 4

1. Home Birth

Sims 4 allows you to give birth at home. Many users preferred this method as it is a less time-consuming method. Approximately, your baby will take three hours to appear after the pregnant sim is in labour moodlet. But, if you can't wait for three hours then, you can skip it and speed up the process by clicking on the "Have a baby" option.

Also, if you want to give your child a warm and good welcome, then decorate your nursery and show your creativity. But, it is not mandatory. When your baby gets arrived, a pop window appears in which you have to give your baby a name.

Note: You don't have to buy anything for your baby at the time of birth, as your baby is tied to a bassinet until it goes to the toddler age group.

2. Hospital Birth

Do you have installed the Get to Work expansion pack in Sims 4? If yes, then we will prefer you to go to the hospital for the delivery of your baby. When you get to know that now you are in labour moodlet, select the self-interaction, "have a baby at hospital" option, and then choose any other sim with whom you can go to the hospital.

When you enter the hospital, go to the front desk and choose the "check-in" option and after choosing it, your sims go to the room in which the doctor asks you to sit on the surgery table and start the procedure.

The best thing is that if you give birth in a hospital, then they will grant the unique birth certificate item. It's found in your personal inventory and can be placed on any wall as an accent to spice up a room!

How to Adopt a Child in The Sims 4?

Some Sims 4 users want to have a baby without pregnancy but don't know how or just don't want the hassle. If you're one of those people, then this section is going to be especially helpful for you! We'll show ya how it's done and give some tips on adoption in Sims 4.

How to Adopt a Child in The Sims 4?

The adoption process in Sims 4 is not hard, but if you're new to the game we want you to know that for adopting your Sim needs to be at least a young adult or older.

Go to the household and select the "Hire a Service" option and after that, you will see an option texted as "Adopt a Child".

Note: You can only adopt one sim at a time, so there's no adoption as twins or triplets.

Adopting a baby is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you have to pay §1,000. Once your adoption goes through, and the little one appears in their crib on a lot with all of the necessary items - complete with a bassinet for rest time - you can finally give them a name!

Other Ways to Get Pregnant in The Sims 4?

Other Ways to Get Pregnant in The Sims 4?
  • Occult pregnancies
  • Vampire pregnancies
  • Alien pregnancy

More: Sims 4 Cheats Move Objects Anywhere (2025)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Sims 4 pregnancy cheats?

The Sims games have always had a long history of pregnancy cheats. From the first game to this newest installment, it is common for players to use cheat codes or mods in order to ensure that their Sim will conceive and give birth without having any physical contact with another person. Some people enjoy doing this because they are not comfortable with how the animations work in the game.

2. How Sims 4 pregnancy cheats works?

Sims 4 pregnancy cheats help players to get pregnant without having any contact with another person. It is performed by adjusting the value of a Sim's aspiration bar in order to have them become infatuated enough that they will agree when asked if they want to have children. While this may not be considered cheating, there are many players who use it due to discomfort or other reasons.

3. Can we use Sims 4 pregnancy cheats on PS4, Xbox One?

The answer is a resounding yes! However, it's important to know that the cheat codes vary between consoles. For example, for Xbox One players, you'll need to enable cheats by pressing the Y button and then typing "testingcheats true" into the search bar. PlayStation 4 users will need to enter in "testingcheats true" using your controller.

4. What are the benefits of Sims 4 pregnancy cheats?

Using Sims 4 pregnancy cheats has a few benefits. First, it allows players to get pregnant without having any contact with another person. This is great for those who are uncomfortable with the animations or for players who want to avoid any awkwardness. Additionally, it can be used to have twins or triplets without the hassle of trying to get two people in the game to cooperate.

5. Is using Sims 4 pregnancy cheats considered cheating?

No, using Sims 4 pregnancy cheats is not considered cheating. So long as you're not using them to get an unfair advantage over other players, there's no reason why you can't use them.


Hoping that you liked all the sections given above and successfully understood how to use Sims 4 pregnancy cheats in 2025. Now, if you find any difficulty in using the cheats, then give us a quick shout-out below! We will try our best to help guide you through your problem as soon as possible.

Happy Gaming and Always Keep Smiling!


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!