Raid: Shadow Legends Tier List (April 2025) Best Champions

Raid Shadow Legends is an RPG game that puts players into the shoes of an ancient Telerian warrior. Your mission is to defeat the Dark Lord and restore peace and harmony to your territory. To do this, you'll need to assemble a powerful army of champions.
To help you assemble your army and choose the best champions, we have created a Raid Shadow Legends tier list. Using this tier list, you can quickly and easily identify the best champions to help you on your quest. It's an extremely helpful resource for any player of Raid Shadow Legends!
Also Useful: Grand Summoners Tier List (2025)
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Raid Shadow Legends Tier List (April 2025)
In the Raid Shadow Legends, there are a total of 14 different factions. Each faction has its own unique set of champions, and each champion possesses unique skills and abilities that can help you on your journey. To make it easier for players to choose the best champions for their team, we have created separate Raid Shadow Legends tier list for each faction.

Our Raid Shadow Legends tier list ranks the champions by their overall power and usefulness in the game. Each tier list is divided into four tiers: S, A, B, and C. Champions in the S tier are considered to be the strongest and most powerful champions while those in the C tier are less powerful or useful.
Raid Shadow Legends Shadowkin Tier List (2025)
Shadowkin are powerful beings that hail from the kingdom of Yakai, also known as the land of the sun. They are masters of magic and wield powerful spells to help them in battle. Shadowkin Raid Shadow Legends tier list include:

Tier | Champions |
S | Genzin, Jintoro, Sachi, Lady Kimi, Hotatsu, Fenshi |
A | Yoshi the Drunkard, Oboro, Chonoru. Fanatic, Riho Bonespear, Genbo the Dishonored, Burangiri, Gory |
B | Toragi the Frog, Odachi, Lifetaker, Chani, Vagabond, Nobel |
C | Bloodmask, Conscript, Infiltrator, Assassin, Marauder |
Also Related: Marvel Strike Force Tier List (2025)
Raid Shadow Legends Dwarves Tier List (2025)
Dwarves are masters of hammer and axe, and they make excellent warriors. To know which Dwarves are the best champions to take into battle, look no further than our Raid Shadow Legends Dwarves tier list. Champions in this faction include:

Tier | Champions |
S | Maulie Tankard, Melga Stellgirdle, Rearguard Sergeant, Rugnor Goldgleam, Grizzled Jarl, Tormin the Cold, Trunda Giltmallet, Runekeeper Dazdurk |
A | Dilgol, Gala Longbrainds, Avir the Alchemage, Geomancer, Hurndig, Kurzad, Deepheart, Rock Breaker |
B | Underpriest Brogni, Baerdal Fellhammer, Mountain King, Cudgeler, Fodbor the Bard, Grumbler, Runic Warder, Madman, Master Butcher, Hatchet Slinger |
C | Boltsmith, Bulwark, Stout Axeman, Samar Gemcursed, Beast Wrestler, Dolor Lorekeeper, Flailer, Gloril Brutebane, Honor Guard, Painsmith, Perforator |
Raid Shadow Legends Skinwalkers Tier List (2025)
Skinwalkers have the power to cast themselves into different forms and shapes at will, making them extremely versatile warriors. Our Raid Shadow Legends Skinwalkers tier list ranks all the Skinwalkers champions available.

Tier | Champions |
S | Khoronar, Norog, Basher, Cleopterix, Fayne, Graybeard, Hakkorhn, Longbeard |
A | Bloodpainter, Flesh-Tearer. Channeler, Steelskull, Gnarlhorn, Grappler, Reinbeast, Ursine |
B | Hoforees the Tusked, Icecrusher, Fleshmoner, Smashlord, Ursine Ironhide, Yaga the Insatiable, Warchief, Snorting Thug, Taurus |
C | Bloodhorn, Panthera, Ripper |
Raid Shadow Legends Barbarians Tier List (2025)
Barbarians are fierce warriors who offer their mercenary services to the highest bidder. Choose the best Barbarians for your army with our Raid Shadow Legends Barbarians tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Scyl of the Drakes, Tuhanarak, Valkyrie, Warmaiden, Fahrakin the Fat, High Khatun, Sikara, Sentinel, Skytouched Shaman, Skirmisher, Ursuga Warcaller |
A | Altan, Alika, Atur, Armina, Elder Skarg, Kantra the Cyclone, Anointed, Marked, Turvold, Valla, Soulbound Bowyer, Zephyr Sniper, Teshada |
B | Aina, Dunestrider, Haarken Greatblade, Kallia, Elder, Scrapper, Hill Nomad, Maeve, Baroth the Bloodsoaked, Yakari the Scourge |
C | Ragemonger, Jotun, Ox, Woad-Painted, Bloodbraid, Berserker, Suwai Firstborn, Tigersoul |
Raid Shadow Legends Banner-Lords Tier List (2025)
The Hereditary Knights of Kaerok, and the Banner-Lords, swear their allegiance to King Tayba. If you want to use the Banner-Lords to your advantage, check out our Raid Shadow Legends Banner-Lords tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Archmage Hellmut, Baron, Black Knight, Raglin, Septimus, Sethalia, Stag Knight, Ursala the Mourner |
A | Cillian the Lucky, Alaric the Hooded, Azure, Gerhard the Stone, Helio, Knight Errant, Lord Champfort, Lugan the Steadfast, Minaya, Oathbound, Richtoff the Bold, Rowan |
B | Chancellor Yasmin, Chevalier, Conquerer, Dagger, Giscard the Sigiled, Hordin, Halberdier, Masked Fearmonger, Myrmidon, Preserver, Seneschal, Vanguard, Warcaster |
C | Bombardier, Cataphract, Courtier, Crossbowman, Lordly Legionary, Questor, Steadfast Marshal, Valerie |
Raid Shadow Legends Dark Elves Tier List (2025)
Dark Elves inhabit the forests that border the realms of Teleria and make excellent archers and scouts. We have created a Raid Shadow Legends Dark Elves tier list to help you choose the best Dark Elf champions.

Tier | Champions |
S | Astralith, Blind Seer, Coldheart, Fang Cleric, Foli, Ghostborn, Kael, Kaiden, Lanakis the Chosen, Lydia the Deathsiren, Madame Serris, Pain Keeper, Rae, Zavia |
A | Crimson Helm, Delver, Lua, Luria, Psylar, Rian the Conjurer, Spider, Spirithost, Visix the Unbowed, Vizier Ovelis, Paragon |
B | Captain Temila, Eviscerator, Hexweaver, Judge, Mystic Hand, Queen Eva, Warden, Retainer, Ruel the Huntmaster |
C | Harvester, Steel Bowyer, Wanderer |
Raid Shadow Legends Demonspawn Tier List (2025)
Demonspawns are the unholy unions of Demon and mortal, making them some of the most powerful enemies in Teleria. Find out which Demonspawn can help you on your quest with our Raid Shadow Legends Demonspawn tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Alure, Duchess Lilitu, Peydma, Prince Kymar, Tyrant Ixlimor, Umbral Enchantress |
A | Candraphon, Countess Lix, Cruetraxa, Drexthar Bloodtwin, Excruciator, Fellhound, Gorlos, Hellmaw, Infernal Baroness, Inithwe Bloodtwin, Lord Shazar, Marquis, Nazana, Sicia Flametongue, Tainix Hateflower |
B | Abyssal, Achak the Wendarin, Akoth the Seared, Diabolist, Erinyes, Hellgazer, Marquess, Skimfos the Consumed, Souldrinker, Tormentor |
C | Hellborn Spite, Hellfang, Hound Spawn, Ifrit, Malbranche, Mortu-Macaab, Tarshon |
Raid Shadow Legends High Elves Tier List (2025)
High Elves originate in Aravia and have built a wondrous, shimmering city there. Having the best High Elf champions can give you an edge in battle, so use our Raid Shadow Legends High Elves tier list to pick the best ones.

Tier | Champions |
S | Apothecary, Arbiter, Basileus Roanas, Battlesage, Belanor, Lyssandra, Tayrel, Deliana |
A | Elenaril, Elhain, Heiress, Ithos, Luthiea, Royal Guard, Royal Huntsman, Shirimani, Thenasil, Vergis, Yannica |
B | Exemplar, Fencer, Hyria, Interceptor, Jinglehunter, Pyxniel, Reliquary, Tender |
C | Adjudicator, Avenger, Magister, Marksman |
Raid Shadow Legends Knight Revenant Tier List (2025)
The Knight Revenants raid indiscriminately to capture slaves and plunder resources. In order to make sure you have the strongest revenants for your team, consult our Raid Shadow Legends Knight Revenant tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Doompriest, Miscreated Monster, Rector Drath, Sinesha, Skullcrown, Soulless |
A | Arcanist, Bystophus, Crypt Sitch, Deathless, Executioner, Golden Reaper, Hegemon, Pestilus, Renegade, Sepulcher Sentinel, Tomb Lord |
B | Coffin Smasher, Gladiator, Guardian, Kytis, Narma the Returned, Necrohunter, Pitiless One, Thea the Tomb Angel, Theurgist, Whisper, Wurlim Frostking |
C | Acolyte, Bergoth the Malformed, Crimson Slayer, Centurion, Daywalker, Faceless, Magus, Pharsalas Gravedirt, Versult the Grim |
Raid Shadow Legends Lizardmen Tier List (2025)
The reptilian warriors of the Lizardmen are a formidable force in Teleria. Use our Raid Shadow Legends Lizardmen tier list to find out which ones will best serve your cause.

Tier | Champions |
S | Aox the Rememberer, Deacomorph, Fu-Shan, Krisk the Ageless, Ramantu Drakesblood, Rhazin Scarhide |
A | Basilisk, Broadmaw, Drake, Gator, Roxam |
B | Bogwalker, Haruspex, Jarang, Jareg, Jizoh, Skathix, Skull Lord Var-Gall, Venomage, Vergumkaar |
C | Flinger, Hurier, Metalshaper, Muckstalker, Quargan the Crowned, Skink, Skullsworn, Slasher, Slitherbrute |
Raid Shadow Legends Ogryn-Tribes Tier List (2025)
The Ogryn-Tribes are subhuman giants with prodigious bellies and brawn. Find out which of these warriors can help you in battle with our Raid Shadow Legends Ogryn-Tribes tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Bellower, Big ‘Un, Ghrush the Mangler, Maneater, Skullcrusher, Towering Titan, Uugo |
A | Cagebreaker, Grimskin, Gurgoh, the Augur, Gurptuk Moss-Beard, Ignatius, Klodd Beastfeeder, Shamrock |
B | Drokgul the Gaunt, Flesheater, Galkut, Geargrinder, Grunch Killjoy, Fortress Goon, Magmablood, Ogryn, Jaoler, Prundar, Shatterbones, Siegehulk |
C | Furystoker, Mycolus, Occult Brawler, Pounder, Rocktooth, Ruffstone, Siegebreaker, Stoneskin, Wagonbane, War Mother |
Raid Shadow Legends Orcs Tier List (2025)
Orcs were initially bred as warrior slaves and now form powerful bands of raiders. Pick the best Orc champions to join your team with our Raid Shadow Legends Orcs tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Angar, Dhukk the Pierced, Galek, Gomlok Skyhide, Irom Brago, Kreela Witch-Arm, Old Hemit Jorrg, Robar, Sandlashed Survivor, Tuhak the Wanderer, Warlord |
A | Bonekeeper, Grohak the Bloodied, King Garog, Nogdar the Headhunter, Seer, Shaman, Teela Goremane, Ultimate Galek, Veteran, Vrask, Zargala |
B | Bloodfeather, Chopper, Deathchanter, Ironclad, Pigsticker, Raider, Ripperfist, Terrorbeast, Toturehelm, Twinclaw Disciple, Wyvernbane |
C | Goremask, Huntress, Spikehead, Totem, Treefeller |
Raid Shadow Legends Sacred Order Tier List (2025)
The Sacred Order is a religious organization charged with cleansing Teleria of evil. Select the best members for your army by consulting our Raid Shadow Legends Sacred Order tier list.

Tier | Champions |
S | Abbess, Armiger, Athel, Cardiel, Cupidus, Deacon Armstrong, Errol, Fenax, Martys, Romero Roshcard the Tower, Sir Nicholas, Venus |
A | Aothar, Cardinal, Godseeker Aniri, Hope, Inquisitor Shamael, Juliana, Lightsworm, Lodric Falconheart, Mistress of Hymns, Mordecai, Sanctum Protector, Mother Superior, Relickeeper Sanguinia, Tallia |
B | Astralon, Bushi, Canoness, Draconis, Frostbinger, Lamellar, Outlaw Monk, Penitent, Sanctioned Purifier, Solaris, Templar, Warpriest, Witness |
C | Adriel, Chaplain, Confessor, Harrier, Headsman, Hospitaller, Judicator, Justiciar, Lady Estessa, Maiden, Missionary, Purgator, Renouncer |
Raid Shadow Legends Undead Hordes Tier List (2025)
The Undead Hordes inhabit the forgotten tombs and dark places of Teleria. With our Raid Shadow Legends Undead Hordes tier list, you can pick out the most powerful undead warriors to join your cause.

Tier | Champions |
S | Bad-el-Kazar, Doomscreech, Drowned Bloatwraith, Ma’Shalled, Nekhret the Freat, Rotos the Lost Groom, Saito, Seducer, Seeker, Siptu the Lost Bride, Skartosis |
A | Anax, Balthus Drauglord, Bloodgorged, Corpse Collector, Frozen Banshee, Gogorab, Havest Jack, Husk, Lich, Little Miss Annie, Mausoleum Mage, Nethril, Suzerain Katonn, Temptress, Wogoth, Urost the Soulcage, Zelotah |
B | Banshee, Bone Knight, Catacomb, Councilor, Corpulent Cadaver, Dark Elhain, Defiled Sinner, Elegaius, Gravenchill Killer, Grinner, Hexia, Karam, Rotting Mage, Wretch |
C | Amarantine Skeleton, Arbalester, Ghoulish Ranger, Hollow, Sorceress, Crypt-King Graal, Dark Athel, Stitched Beast |
Also Check: Epic Seven Tier List (2025)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is the Raid Shadow Legends tier list updated regularly?
Yes, our Raid Shadow Legends tier list is regularly updated to reflect changes in the game. Be sure to check back often for the latest rankings!
2. Which Shadowkin champions should I use?
The best Shadowkin champions are Jintoro, Sachi, and Lady Kim. Use them to strengthen your team and gain an edge in battle.
3. What are some of the best Dwarves champions?
The top Dwarves champions are Melga Stellgirdle, Rearguard Sergeant, and Rugnor Goldgleam. These powerful warriors will give you a great advantage in battle.
4. Who are the best Lizardmen in the Raid Shadow Legends tier list?
The best Lizardmen champions are Aox the Rememberer, Deacomorph, Fu-Shan, Krisk the Ageless, and Ramantu Drakesblood. With these powerful warriors on your side, you will be unstoppable!
Check More: Valor Legends Tier List (2025)
Final Words
With our Raid Shadow Legends tier list, you can make sure that your team is made up of the strongest warriors from each faction. If you’re ready to take on the forces of evil in Teleria, use this tier list to build your perfect team. Choose wisely and victory will be yours!