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Paladin Aura 5e Class Feature [Radiate Divine Energy In Your Vicinity]

Paladin aura 5e class feature
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 01/03/2024
Est. Reading: 11 minutes

There’s something extraordinary about the Paladin Aura 5E class feature in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).

As an enthusiastic tabletop gamer, you might have always been awed by the incredible power and sanctity that surround the character of a Paladin.

Now as you play your campaign, the time comes to draw upon these potent energies for yourself.

With an in-depth look at the unique mechanics of this dynamic role-playing game feature, your Paladin character can reach new levels of epic domination and strategic control.

Drawing upon divine energies isn’t just about blasting enemies and healing allies; it’s about creating a protective aura that defends, strengthens, and stabilizes your party.

This armorless shield doesn’t glitter with magic or hum with alien energy; instead, it’s imbued with the holy conviction that only a Paladin can provide.

Getting acquainted with this class feature enables you to venture into the vast imaginary universe of D&D with an ace up your sleeve.

It’s time to experience how combat evolves when righteousness is more than just a conceptual virtue – it’s part of your tactical arsenal.

What is the Paladin Aura 5E?

To truly understand the power that your Paladin character holds in Dungeons and Dragons 5E, you must be familiar with the phenomenal class feature known as Paladin auras.

What is the Paladin Aura 5E

A Paladin isn’t just a powerful warrior, scaremongering with divine light and smiting foes left and right.

As a playing character class, the Paladin also takes up the mantle of a group protector, ensuring not just their safety but aiding those around them.

By their very nature, Paladins are believed to be vessels of divine power and these ‘Auras’ epitomize how they channel this energy to shield themselves and their allies.

A Paladin’s aura can affect allies up to 10 feet away when you’re a beginner but as your experience grows so does this range.

Unique to each oath that a paladin undertakes—whether it’s an Oath of Devotion, Ancient, Vengeance, or even an Oathbreaker—their aura strengthens their team by bestowing multiple benefits.

The specifics of these benefits hinge on your chosen Oath path which emphasizes different aspects such as courage under fire or protection against certain disabilities.

Unleashing the Paladin’s Aura isn’t a one-time thing; it continually emanates from you throughout gameplay defying enemies while supporting teammates.

Your Aura takes up no magic slots nor can it be disenchanted making this feature truly formidable to wield.

Auras for All Paladins

To fully utilize your Paladin character in D&D, understanding the Auras that every Paladin possesses is crucial. The potential of these auras can change the game tremendously.

Auras for All Paladins

Aura of Courage

Nothing typifies a Paladin more than their indomitable spirit and unyielding bravery.

The Aura of Courage is an exclusive feature that capitalizes on this spirit, acting as an invisible bolster against fear for you and party members within a 10-foot radius.

Hit level 10, and the aura range expands to 30 feet. But what does this do? It provides you and your allies immunity from fear.

Being immune to fear offers immense advantages in campaign thanks to D&D’s fear mechanics.

Fear can reduce speed, lead to disadvantage on ability checks, and sometimes even paralyze players.

That’s not something you or your team want when facing off against a hoard of mind-flayers or other horrifying creatures.

Aura of Protection

Ever seen a movie scene where our hero stands in front of their friends, protecting them from harm? That’s precisely what the Aura of Protection does. But how does it work?

As long as you are conscious, this powerful aura gives you and all friendly creatures within range—starting at 10 feet and increasing to 30 feet—benefits that are nothing short of miraculous.

All get a bonus equal to your charisma modifier (minimum +1) on all saving throws.

Essentially, the higher your charisma score, the better everyone’s saving throws will be.

It means that you and your friends will have an easier time avoiding traps or resisting enemy spells. Neat, right?

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Party Roles for Paladins

Paladins don’t merely act as warriors in D&D; they perform different roles based on their characters and gameplay choices.

Party Roles for Paladins


As a ‘Face,’ your significant task will be representing the party during social interactions, often relying on charisma-based skills.

You’ll negotiate with the bandit king or charm the local baroness to allow you safe passage.

Not only does your ability to converse effectively and eloquently become a vital tool for any adventuring group, but many other Paladin abilities also rely on charisma.

The higher your charisma points, the more influential your Auras!


If you’re PC identifies as a “Utilitarian,” you’re basically the ‘jack-of-all-trades’ in the D&D world. From solving complex puzzles to maneuvering through dangerous terrains—no challenge is too big or small.

A Paladin’s Aura contributes significantly to their utility role. Need someone immune to fear when crossing a terrifying bridge? Call upon your Aura of Courage.


Does dealing massive damage to enemies sound like your kind of thing? Then you’re the ‘Nuker’. Your focus will be on maximising your attack radius and damage output.

Again, Paladin Auras can significantly aid this style of play. For example, using spells like Smite not only increases damage dealt but also benefits from your Auras.


We have the traditional Paladin role—The Tank! This combat-focused role is all about soaking up damage so that others in your party don’t have to.

Being a Tank means having high HP and the ability to defend allies.

Maximizing Aura Power through Party Roles

In the palpable role-playing universe of Dungeons and Dragons 5E, your Paladin plays an incredibly functional role.

Maximizing Aura Power through Party Roles

As they maneuver through this richly woven tapestry of mythology, adventure, and strategy, Paladins aren’t simply one-dimensional fighters but complex characters important to the overall group dynamic.

But what truly sets them apart are their unique aura abilities dependent on the Oaths they uphold.

These auras suggest not just how Paladins engage in direct combat but also influence their secondary roles within the group – making strategic gaming nothing short of fascinating.

Aura of Conquest

Residing under the ‘Oath of Conquest,’ this aura executes psychological warfare at its brilliant best.

If any opponent feels fear towards you, their speed nosedives to absolute zero which is then followed by them suffering recurring psychic damage every turn.

Think of it as terrorizing your enemies into paralysis while simultaneously rebuilding your team’s stamina in real-time, a classic example of both offensive and defensive gameplay.

This ability is considered particularly useful for players aiming to be ‘Nukers’ within their group. In D&D terms, a Nuker class aims at causing maximum damage during close combats.

The Aura of Conquest focuses precisely on that attribute – enabling you to improvise strategic moves causing amplified destruction against adversaries.

Acting as the tank or front-liner often places it upon you to spearhead attacks while keeping your allies guarded.

However, with the Aura of Conquest at your disposal, every opponent paralyzed with fear becomes an easy target, making that victory just a little easier to reach.

From undead lurking beyond that dark corner to lycanthropes or werewolves seeking fresh blood in night’s mantle; when you step onto the battle scene radiating the Aura of Conquest, enemies quiver and neigh.

Therefore, nukers utilizing this subclass can manage the battlefield arena efficiently, dealing substantial damage while ensuring minimal loss to their team’s HP.

The Aura of Conquest isn’t just about inducing fear but capitalizing on the resulting chaos and stamping your authority.

This strategic gameplay teaches you not only to wield your weapon better but also how to finesse your psychological warfare game which honestly is battle half won.

Aura of Devotion

Residing within the ‘Oath of Devotion,’ this awe-inspiring aura serves as a shield against charms and maintaining control over one’s mind. Your circle of influence not only prevents your allies from being charmed but also empathically liberates them if such a circumstance has already taken place.

Paladins who choose to follow this path essentially hold the reins in safeguarding group dynamics. They ensure that their teammates – those they’ve sworn to protect – are not manipulated or coerced into acting against each other.

Such a protective presence makes an impression on those known as “Faces” in roleplay lingo. As a Face, you embody diplomacy, persuasion, and through the Aura of Devotion, robust mental defenses too. The careful optimism that you radiate as you stride onto the battleground goes a long way in assuring your team members feel secured and protected.

Aura of Alacrity

For the Paladins walking the path of ‘Oath of Glory,’ the Aura of Alacrity is their divine boon. This aura doesn’t just heighten your speed by 10ft but also lends bonus movement speed to allies depending on proximity by about half this value.

This increased agility serves “Utilitarians” greatly. As Utilitarians, you are basically Swiss Army Knives for every contingent situation – prepared, adaptable, and multi-talented. The enhanced swiftness boosts your mobility across battlefields, letting you respond swiftly to allies’ needs or launching surprise attacks at enemies.

In the dynamic realm that encompasses D&D gameplay, speed isn’t just about evading attack sequences or retreating when times get hard; incredulously enough, it can be weaponized too.

Aura of Guardian (Redemption)

The ‘Oath of Redemption’ equips Paladins with an aura unique in its properties – the Guardian’s aura. It allows paladins to intervene during an attack on their allies, taking the hit on their behalf.

While it sounds daunting to be willing to take damage meant for others, this exact ethos perfectly aligns with the spirit of a Paladin – supremely protective and virtuous. The class best suited to utilize this aura are the “Tanks”, whose role is essentially earning and managing aggression from foes while ensuring they stay unscathed.

As a Tank, you are your team’s fortress, built not just with powerful armor but also unparalleled courage at heart. And with Aura of Guardian aiding your cause, you choose not just how strong the defense is but whose blows you take up and whose you deflect – enabling strategic decision-making in battles.

Aura of Warding (Ancients)

Ever wished to brush off spell damage like dust off your cloak? Well, enter the Aura of Warding.

As you undertake the ‘Oath of the Ancients,’ your Paladin wields this unique aura.

Offering both you and your companions strong resistance against spells is a substantial game-changer, steering the campaign’s fate significantly.

The Aura of Warding stands as an ideal choice for ‘Tanks.’ The responsibility of Tanks lies in absorbing maximum damage on behalf of their allies.

You impede enemies, protecting your squad from ascent to heavy losses or incapacitation.

By boosting resistance against incoming spell damage, resilience is uplifted, permitting you to take on more hits without falling into a perilous state where healing or revival holds priority.

This effectively improves both duration and performance during combat situations.

Hence, with the Aura of Warding in place, not only do you stand tall and sturdy as a fortress guarding allies but dodge those pesky spell flares too.

Also Read: Paladin 5E Class Guide DnD [Abilities, Roles, & Strategies]

Aura Sentinel (Watchers)

When it comes to guileful vigilance and reactive dexterity, the ‘Oath of Watchers’ gifts Paladins with the Sentinel aura enhancing their alertness multi-fold!

The beauty lies in this aura bestowing upon you and your plight fellows a proficiency bonus on initiative checks directly proportional to yours – meaning more power!

This attribute is best suited for those playing utility-focused roles. Suppose it’s about cleverly positioning a trap-laden milieu or gaining strategic control overpowering opponents through ambushes or surprise strikes.

In that case, initiation order holds even more significance than direct attacks.

That edge right at the start might very well dictate the direction where battles swing!

Thus, the Sentinel aura puts more control in your hands by giving your team an earnest advantage as conflicts begin – speed always overrides sluggishness and reactive power trumps passive hiding.

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Aura of Hate (Oathbreaker)

Let’s face it; everyone loves a good Ol’ delightful dose of villainy. Under the Oathbreaker’s theme, the Aura of Hate lurks in the shadows, catering to roles that aren’t so squeaky clean.

The core idea revolves around operating in tandem with denizens usually deemed monstrous and malicious.

Widening your horizons to unique roles such as armored edgelords and black knights, this aura harbors benefits concentrating specifically on Fiends and Undead.

As an Oathbreaker, the aura amplifies the damage inflicted by these dark comrades equivalent to your Charisma modifier.

Imagine potentially mean creatures being further empowered by your malign influence – an arena not just survival but utter domination.

Aura of Alacrity from Oath of Glory

Armored in the Oath of Glory, a Paladin using the Aura of Alacrity essentially becomes his teammates’ battery pack.

This aura pushes forward you and the family with bonus speed rates, providing an ability that is more important than one would initially deem.

Imagine being stuck in quicksand or swamps, where your every move feels like cutting through a thick blanket of darkness.

Now flip the switch by letting your Paladin with Aura of Alacrity take lead. This swift movement provides a beacon of hope and lends emergency escape routes if need be.

Such speed enhancements can be applied to allies who primarily depend on their swiftness to outfox enemies or simply make a run for it.

Characters like Monks and Rogues can productively exploit this subclass as they tend to rely heavily on high-speed evasion techniques or rapid strikes that can turn the tide in their favor.

Needless to say, Paladin’s Aura of Alacrity also combines perfectly with sanctuary spells, aiding retreat from potential hazards while providing unmatched protection.

Aura Guardian from Oath of Redemption

When taking up the Oath of Redemption, Paladins bring a unique feature into play – The ability to absorb another’s damage and internalize it.

Coupled with skills either from your own repertoire or another healer’s—like regenerative spells—that can patch you up afterward makes you nearly invincible!

Aura Warding from Oath of Ancients

The ‘Oath of the Ancients’ offers Paladins the exclusive Aura Warding. This subclass bestows resistance from spell damage on both you and your allies—an indispensable feature during combat with magic users.

Connector strategies for this aura include using the Mage Slayer feat, along with other saving throw bonuses like Bless or Evasion, to embed a rigorous magic shield.

With this protection, even high-level enemy mages will find it challenging to penetrate your group’s defenses.

Aura Sentinel from Oath of Watchers

The ‘Oath of Watchers’ gives birth to the Aura Sentinel. This subclass enhances your initiative push, supplying you and your team with equal dexterity score bonuses while rolling for their initiative—a crucial advantage during surprise attacks.

Paired with keen alert feats, warning weapons or alarm spells that jolt you into action when enemies are nearby lends you an unexpected head start.

Paladins emitting this aura manage to strike first during an ambush, often changing the encounter’s face in their favor.

Hate Aura from Oathbreaker

Paladins pledging to the Oathbreaker ideal flirt with some directed chaos. They gain access to an aura that arms their fiendish or undead allies with added firepower equivalent to their charisma modifier.

Optimizing Aura Hate requires deliberately creating specific companions on the battlefield.

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FAQs about Paladin aura 5e class

What is a Paladin’s Aura in D&D 5E?

A Paladin’s Aura in D&D 5E is a constant emanation of divine power that radiates from the Paladin, enhancing their capabilities and those of their allies within a certain radius. The aura’s power and impact depend on the path or ‘Oath’ the Paladin chooses.

Can a Paladin lose their aura abilities?

Yes, if a Paladin violates their chosen oath, they could potentially lose their abilities including their aura until they atone for their mistakes.

Are there different types of Auras for a Paladin?

Yes, depending on your chosen class or ‘Oath,’ you will have access to different types of Auras. Each overlaying ‘Oath’ imbues specific characteristics to the Aura which resonates with qualities like protection, courage, or conquest.

How long does a Paladin’s Aura last?

A Paladin’s Aura is always active. It emanates from the character constantly during gameplay until they’re unconscious or no longer able to fight.

Why is a Paladin’s Aura important?

A Paladin’s aura serves many roles. It provides bonuses during combat situations by powering up the paladin and adjacent allies.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
