LoL Nexus Blitz Tier List (November 2024) Best Champions Ranked
Nexus Blitz is a unique and exciting game mode for League of Legends that combines the elements of classic game modes with new, experimental features. Players can jump into a fast and frantic 15-minute match on a special map called Temple of Lily and Lotus, where they will be able to choose their roles as either Lane, Jungle, or Fill.
To help players make the best of their match, we've created an LoL Nexus Blitz tier list to help them choose the right champion for the job. This will give players an edge as they battle it out on the battlefield and make sure that everyone is playing with champions that are suited to their playstyle.
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LoL Nexus Blitz Tier List (November 2024)
In Nexus Blitz, the main goal is to complete objectives and get a victory. As such, choosing the right champion is an important aspect of the game.
Champions are divided into six tiers, ranging from S to E. These tiers will help players determine which champions are best suited for the game mode and which ones should be avoided. Champions with higher ratings in each tier have better stats or abilities that make them more suitable for Nexus Blitz than those with lower ratings.
LoL Nexus Blitz S Tier List (2024)
S tier is the highest tier in Nexus Blitz and is known as the “God Tier”. Champions with this rating have incredibly powerful stats or abilities that make them great for the game mode.
Champion | Win Rate |
Kog’Maw | 65.80% |
Lux | 70.20% |
Nasus | 59.90% |
Sivir | 68.00% |
Jinx | 67.70% |
Garen | 62.70% |
Wukong | 63.80% |
Ziggs | 68.30% |
Caitlyn | 63.60% |
Morgana | 63.50% |
Yuumi | 63.80% |
Kassadin | 63.50% |
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LoL Nexus Blitz A Tier List (2024)
A tier is the second-highest rating and is referred to as a “Strong Tier”. Champions with this rating are still incredibly powerful, but may not have the same stats or abilities as those in the S tier.
Champion | Win Rate |
Veigar | 66.20% |
Mordekaiser | 64.20% |
Trundle | 60.30% |
Gragas | 62.80% |
Graves | 66.30% |
Xin Zhao | 63.90% |
Viego | 58.39% |
Soraka | 65.10% |
Sona | 67.40% |
Varus | 62.90% |
LoL Nexus Blitz B Tier List (2024)
B-tier champions are still strong enough to be viable for Nexus Blitz, but not as powerful as those in S and A tiers. They are referred to as “Good Tier” champions.
Champion | Win Rate |
Annie | 61.60% |
Warwick | 59.70% |
Evelynn | 59.70% |
Xayah | 61.90% |
Nautilus | 60.80% |
Yorick | 62.80% |
Seraphine | 57.05% |
Teemo | 62.80% |
Cassiopeia | 65.70% |
Skarner | 60.90% |
Kayle | 70.30% |
Yone | 57.75% |
Senna | 64.80% |
Vayne | 62.20% |
Ashe | 62.90% |
Malzahar | 67.00% |
Brand | 68.60% |
Fiora | 61.00% |
Ezreal | 60.60% |
Vel’Koz | 68.80% |
Jax | 66.20% |
Heimerdinger | 66.00% |
Yasuo | 64.50% |
Zyra | 67.50% |
Diana | 65.40% |
Viktor | 66.50% |
Sett | 66.10% |
Ahri | 64.90% |
Miss Fortune | 67.10% |
Samira | 57.58% |
Pantheon | 60.90% |
Thresh | 61.60% |
Jarvan IV | 62.90% |
LoL Nexus Blitz C Tier List (2024)
C tier is the fourth-highest rating and is known as the “Fair Tier”. Champions with this rating still have some utility and can be viable choices depending on your team composition.
Champion | Win Rate |
Orianna | 66.70% |
Jayce | 62.10% |
Zed | 58.00% |
Xerath | 67.20% |
Camille | 61.00% |
Vladimir | 65.60% |
Twitch | 62.20% |
Leona | 60.90% |
Lulu | 64.20% |
Zilean | 63.60% |
Rell | 54.13% |
Lucian | 61.40% |
Aatrox | 60.30% |
Corki | 61.10% |
Lissandra | 63.90% |
Gangplank | 60.50% |
Draven | 62.00% |
Cho’Gath | 64.50% |
Janna | 66.90% |
Swain | 65.40% |
Volibear | 63.60% |
Aphelios | 66.00% |
Poppy | 63.90% |
Neeko | 70.60% |
Aurelion Sol | 67.60% |
Dr.Mundo | 64.40% |
Jhin | 66.40% |
Katarina | 61.40% |
Karma | 61.90% |
Lillia | 52.15% |
Kindred | 64.70% |
Karthus | 66.30% |
Illaoi | 69.20% |
Hecarim | 59.90% |
Riven | 62.70% |
Sejuani | 65.20% |
Shaco | 57.00% |
Alistar | 65.30% |
Gwen | 54.44% |
Singed | 63.80% |
Anivia | 68.20% |
Ornn | 60.40% |
Ekko | 62.70% |
Maokai | 67.80% |
Shyvana | 60.70% |
LoL Nexus Blitz D Tier List (2024)
The weak tier, the D tier, includes champions that are not as powerful as those in the other tiers. These champions should be avoided if possible, but can still be used if your team needs them.
Champion | Win Rate |
Talon | 58.80% |
Master Yi | 63.50% |
Vi | 62.50% |
Akali | 51.80% |
Nidalee | 59.50% |
Irelia | 61.60% |
Galio | 61.00% |
Fiddlesticks | 58.10% |
Shen | 61.20% |
Zoe | 66.50% |
Fizz | 61.00% |
Ryze | 61.60% |
Tristana | 63.20% |
Kalista | 62.30% |
Urgot | 59.40% |
Rakan | 61.60% |
Darius | 61.10% |
Rengar | 63.20% |
Pyke | 58.10% |
Malphite | 59.90% |
Gnar | 61.10% |
Rumble | 63.80% |
Elise | 65.70% |
Nocturne | 63.70% |
Kayn | 62.90% |
Sylas | 57.10% |
Taliyah | 65.70% |
Amumu | 63.80% |
Rek’Sai | 59.80% |
LeBlanc | 58.10% |
Quinn | 68.60% |
Syndra | 63.80% |
Sion | 64.80% |
LoL Nexus Blitz E Tier List (2024)
The lowest tier is E, known as the “Bad Tier”. Champions with this rating should generally not be chosen for Nexus Blitz matches.
Champion | Win Rate |
Kled | 61.60% |
Zac | 58.60% |
Renekton | 62.10% |
Tryndamere | 59.90% |
Nunu | 61.60% |
Olaf | 62.50% |
Rammus | 60.00% |
Blitzcrank | 59.10% |
Bard | 64.00% |
Twisted | 62.50% |
Taric | 68.80% |
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some of the best champions for LoL Nexus Blitz?
Kog’Maw, Lux, and Nasus are some of the top picks for Nexus Blitz. These champions have powerful stats and abilities that make them great choices for this game mode.
2. Why should I use a tier list when playing Nexus Blitz?
Using a tier list can help players determine which champions are best suited for the game mode. By looking at the ratings of each champion, players can choose the one that will give them an edge in battle and make sure they have the best team composition possible.
3. Is the LoL Nexus Blitz tier list updated regularly?
Yes, the Nexus Blitz tier list is updated regularly to make sure that players always have access to the latest information.
4. What champions should I avoid in LoL Nexus Blitz?
Players should generally avoid E-tier champions as they are not as powerful as those in the other tiers.
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Final Words
Choosing the right champion is an important part of any game. With our LoL Nexus Blitz tier list, you will be able to select the best champions for your team and have a better chance at success in this exciting game mode.