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Killer Instinct Tier List (April 2025) Best Characters

Killer Instinct Tier List ([nmf] [cy]) Best Characters
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 07/27/2023
Est. Reading: 4 minutes

Killer Instinct is a popular series of fighting games that have been around since the early 1990s. The game has seen a recent resurgence in popularity, due to its inclusion in the Xbox One's gaming lineup.

If you are new to Killer Instinct, or if you are just looking for some tips on how to improve your gameplay, you may be wondering who the best characters are. In this blog post, we will take a look at the Killer Instinct tier list and discuss why each character is ranked where they are.

The Killer Instinct character tier list is a great resource for new and experienced players alike. It provides an easy way to see which characters are the strongest in the game, and it can also help you learn about the different playstyles of each character.

Also Useful: Shining Beyond Tier List (2025)

Killer Instinct Tier List (April 2025)

A tier list is a list that ranks the characters in a game based on their overall strength. If you wish to improve your skills in Killer Instinct, it would be best to know which characters are at the top of the list. This way, you can better strategize and come up with a plan on how to take down your opponents.

Killer Instinct Tier List (2025)

There are many benefits of a Killer Instinct character tier list including:

  • Firstly, it allows you to know which characters are currently strongest.
  • Secondly, it also helps you understand the matchup between different characters.
  • Thirdly, it provides a good way to compare your skills against other players.
  • It also allows you to find new strategies to use in the game.
  • It also helps you to understand the game mechanics more.

There are five tiers in the Killer Instinct tier list. The S to D range is split into five tiers. Let's take a look at the ranking system:

Killer Instinct S Tier List (2025)

The S-tier is the highest in the Killer Instinct game. In this tier, you'll find the most powerful characters that are currently available in the game. To be the greatest, you must use these characters if you want to succeed.

Killer Instinct S Tier List (2025)
  • Aria
  • Omen
  • Rash
  • Fulgore

Also Related: Sword Master Story Tier List (2025)

Killer Instinct A Tier List (2025)

The A-tier is the second-highest tier in the game. In this tier, you will find characters that are strong but not as strong as the S-tier characters. These characters are still viable and can be used to win matches.

Killer Instinct A Tier List (2025)
  • Eyedol
  • Hisako
  • Glacius
  • Tusk
  • Aganos
  • Thunder
  • Arbiter
  • Riptor

Killer Instinct B Tier List (2025)

The B tier is the third tier in the game. In this tier, you will find characters that are decent but not as strong as the A-tier characters. These characters can still be used to win matches but you may need to put in more effort than usual.

Killer Instinct B Tier List (2025)
  • Cinder
  • Kilgore
  • Gargos
  • Mira
  • Eagle
  • Spinal

Killer Instinct C Tier List (2025)

The C tier is the fourth tier in the game. In this tier, you will find characters that are not as strong as the B-tier characters. These characters can still be used but you will need to put in more effort than usual.

Killer Instinct C Tier List (2025)
  • Shadow Jago
  • General Raam
  • Jago
  • TJ Combo
  • Maya
  • Shin Hisako
  • Kim Wu
  • Kan-Ra

Killer Instinct D Tier List (2025)

The weakest tier in the game. In this tier, you will find characters that are not viable and are not recommended to use. These characters will make it difficult for you to win matches. If you want to win, you should avoid using these characters.

Killer Instinct D Tier List (2025)
  • Sabrewulf
  • Orchid
  • Sadira

Also Check: Returnal Weapon Tier List (2025)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Killer Instinct tier list?

A Killer Instinct tier list is a ranking of the various characters in the game, based on their overall usefulness and potential in a competitive setting.

2. How often is the tier list for Killer Instinct updated?

The Killer Instinct tier list is updated whenever there are changes to the game, such as new characters or balance patches.

3. Why should I care about the Killer Instinct character tier list?

If you're interested in playing the game seriously, then it's important to know which characters are strong and which ones are not. This way, you can make more informed choices when picking characters for your team.

4. What is the highest tier in the Killer Instinct tier list?

The highest tier in the Killer Instinct tier list is S-tier. These characters are the strongest in the game and will give you the best chance to win.

5. What is the weakest tier in the tier list for Killer Instinct?

The weakest tier in the Killer Instinct tier list is D-tier. These characters are not viable in a competitive setting and you should avoid using them if you want to win.

Check More: Heir of Light Tier List (2025)

Final Words

We hope this article helped you understand the Killer Instinct tier list. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments below. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear your thoughts!


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!