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Illusion Wizard 5E Subclass [Master Manipulation Of Perception]

Illusion Wizard 5e Subclass Guide
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 01/19/2024
Est. Reading: 6 minutes

From the darkest corners of arcane lore to the brightest spires of magic academies, the Illusion Wizard in 5e has been captivating the minds of D&D players for generations.

This specific subclass holds a unique and potent place within the world of 5th Edition (5e), with powers that transcend the typical fireball-throwing mage.

The Illusion wizard is an exemplary incarnation of potent psychic potential, twining reality and deception into a tapestry of memorable encounters and epic adventures.

Harnessing imagination as a formative tool and weapon, this mystical artisan expertly weaves illusions so realistic and vital that they can almost be mistaken for reality.

Whether you’re new to D&D or an experienced player looking for a fresh character exploration, choosing to play an illusion wizard in 5e can offer you a diverse set of experiences, unparalleled by many other classes.

With its array of stunning tricks and mirages at your disposal, it’s no wonder why this class carries such sheer fascination amongst players.

Ability Scores of illusion wizard

The Ability Scores of an illusion wizard play a crucial role in determining the potency of the character.

Ability Scores of illusion wizard

Intelligence is a paramount factor here as it directly influences your spellcasting abilities.

Dexterity and constitution are equally important, as they provide you with more survivability.

When creating your illusion wizard, prioritize these scores to truly harness their full potential in-game. Be mindful of these statistics as they can wholly shape your journey through the realms of D&D 5e.


What is the Illusion Wizard 5e?

The Illusion Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition is a magical practitioner, revered for their mastery over enchantment spells that manipulate and distort reality as perceived by others.

What is the Illusion Wizard 5e

The Illusion Wizard weaves enchanting visions, distracting sounds or even unsettling sensory tricks to befuddle, deceive, or command enemies.

These perceptual masters can create phantasmal images so convincing that they can convince others of their reality, thus reshaping the world at their will.

Throughout your journey in D&D’s vibrant settings, the Illusion wizard will present you with a myriad of creative options.

With an arsenal full of visual trickery and mind-bending magic at your disposal, this class provides an unparalleled tactical advantage that goes beyond mere brute force; strategic distraction or cunning evasion become equally viable options.

If you value creativity and strategy over raw power in your gameplay, the Illusion wizard could prove to be a compelling choice for you.

What are the features of illusion wizard?

The illusion wizard in D&D 5e has a host of mesmerizing and intricate features to offer, each with its own unique flair and characteristics.

What are the features of illusion wizard

This range of attributes equips the illusion wizard with certain distinctive abilities that encompass an exquisite blend of strategic deception, reality manipulation, and fantastical creativity.

These features not only give the class depth but they provide a dynamic toolkit for endless tactical possibilities.

Also Read: Evocation Wizard 5E Subclass Guide [Master of Offensive Magic]

Illusion Savant

As an Illusion Savant, you become more oriented towards the magical nuances of enchantment.

This feature primarily reduces your gold cost and time investment when copying Illusion spells into your spellbook.

For players who appreciate economical efficiency along with their magic, this comes as a valuable perk.

This ability ensures that you can build up a comprehensive arsenal of illusion spells at a much faster rate, setting you apart as an authority in the field of illusory magic.

Improved Minor Illusion

Improved Minor Illusion pushes your magical expertise further by enabling you to cast both sound and image with a single minor illusion cantrip.

With this feature, you have far more versatility at your disposal when it comes to crafting your illusions whether it’s a whisper in the wind or laughter echoing from an empty room.

Malleable Illusions

Imagine weaving an illusion so flexible that you can change its nature even after its creation.

Malleable Illusions grants you exactly this capability as it allows modification of active illusions, thereby elevating what would be static deceptions into fluid artistry.

Illusory Self

With features such as “Illusory Self”, subtlety ceases to matter this is all about grand survival.

This ability allows an immediate reaction whereby you create an illusory duplicate of yourself enough to trick enemies into missing their attacks on you completely.

You literally get to dodge bullets with only your sheer will, emphasizing just how potent illusion magic can truly be.

Illusory Reality

Illusory Reality serves as the crown jewel of the illusion wizard’s power. This feature, available at 14th level, takes your illusions to an entirely new level you can now make a portion of your illusion real.

With just one bonus action, you can convert part of your illusion into physical reality for a minute.

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Feats of the Illusion Wizard

Feats are a phenomenal mechanic in D&D 5e that allow your character to break beyond limits and tap into unique abilities that add depths to their role within an adventuring party.

Feats of the Illusion Wizard

As an illusion wizard, certain feats will enhance your illusion magic and deepen your magical versatility. Here, we’ll specifically look at three feats: Telekinetic, Metamagic Adept, and Eldritch Adept.


At level 4, you have the opportunity to acquire the Telekinetic feat. This tremendous ability elevates not only the tactical versatility but also boosts your control over the battlefield in a way few other abilities can match.

With this feat unlocked, you gain a 30 ft range of telekinetic influence that can be used to manipulate both friend and foe alike.

It’s useful for both evading attacks as well as setting up advantageous positioning on the board for yourself or party members.

Metamagic Adept

Then comes level 12 when you have the chance to delve into sorcerer’s talents via Metamagic Adept feat.

This feature enables you to choose two Metamagic options – Extend Spell and Subtle Spell being highly recommended for illusion wizards.

Extend Spell allows you to double the duration of a spell that is a minute or longer, which can prove invaluable when dealing with persistent illusions.

Subtle Spell ensures your spellcasting remains unseen and unheard perfect for those times when discretion is key.

Eldritch Adept

At level 16, Eldritch Adept becomes an available feat. Adapted from the Warlock’s invocations, Eldritch Adept allows you to choose one Eldritch Invocation to add to your class features.

One standout invocation for an Illusion wizard is the ‘Mask of Many Faces’. This enables you to cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot.

This invocation perfectly complements an Illusion Wizard’s repertoire as it emphasizes their proficiency in deception and manipulation, further enhancing their capacity for subterfuge.

Also Read: 15 Best Wizard Subclasses 5E [Select Your School Of Magic]

FAQs About illusion wizard 5e

What is an Illusion Wizard 5e?

An Illusion Wizard in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e is a type of magic-user that specializes in creating illusions to deceive, distract, and manipulate their opponents. They can create images, sounds, and other sensory distractions that can confuse enemies and aid allies.

What are the primary abilities of an Illusion Wizard 5e?

The primary abilities of an Illusion Wizard include casting powerful illusion spells to confuse enemies and protect allies. They also gain unique features, such as improved minor illusion, illusory self, illusory reality, and malleable illusions.

How does an Illusion Wizard differ from other wizards in D&D 5e?

An Illusion Wizard differs from other wizard subclasses as their focus lies predominantly on deception and manipulation rather than damage dealing or control spells. Their unique set of subclass features allows them to alter their illusions more dynamically than others.

Can the illusions created by the Illusion Wizard cause physical harm?

Although illusions are typically non-physical by nature, the ‘Illusory Reality’ feature at level 14 allows the wizard to make one object in their illusion real for a minute which could influence physical harm indirectly.

What races work well with an Illusion Wizard subclass in D&D 5e?

Any race that gives a bonus to Intelligence can be beneficial for an illusion wizard since Intelligence powers most wizardly abilities including spellcasting. High elves or gnomes (particularly forest gnomes because of their Natural Illusionist feature), tieflings or humans can be a good choice.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
