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How To Create A Web3 Website In 2024 [Step By Step Tutorial]

How To Create A Web3 Website
  Written By: Manpreet Singh
Updated On: 11/10/2023
Est. Reading: 9 minutes

Understanding the realm of Web3 can seem challenging, but it’s one step you won’t regret taking on your digital journey. As more businesses and individuals begin to recognize the transformative value of this technology, learning how to create a Web3 website becomes instrumental.

With mechanisms that prioritize user control, transparency, and decentralized operations, Web3 websites can indeed revolutionize interactions on the web. On this journey, you’ll find that setting up a Web3 site is far from impossible.

This article will guide you through the basics and beyond – from understanding the necessity of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in Web3 to employing valuable development tools crafted for this innovative frontier.

Let’s leave no stone unturned as we unfold your path in creating a robust and interactive Web3 website.

What Are Web3 Websites?

Web3 websites, at their core, are a new generation of web platforms. They operate differently from your traditional websites because they integrate blockchain technology.

What Are Web3 Websites?

This integration gives users the power to control and manage their data directly, unlike with standard websites where your data is often stored and used by the website owners.

But what sets it apart further? The foundation of Web3 websites is decentralization – no central authority has control over the network. Plus, users can also make secure digital transactions using cryptocurrencies.

It expands interactions on the web to a more meaningful level by prioritizing transparency, security, and empowerment of individual users.

In brief, imagine having a website where you have maximum control yet maintain comprehensive security and transparency – that’s precisely what a Web3 website offers you.

What Are Web3 Domains?

Yes, Web3 domains are indeed different from traditional ones. Web3 domains are built on blockchain technology, unlike the DNS-based traditional domain names we use today.

These domains are more than just an address; they also serve as your public identifier in the decentralized world. TLDs (Top Level Domains) for Web3 can include .x, .crypto, .nft, .wallet, .polygon, .dao, .888, .zil, .go, .blockchain, .bitcoi, .eth, and more.

These domains allow for storing and displaying decentralized websites and simpler crypto transaction methods – users can directly send cryptocurrency to your domain.

What Are Essential Web3 Technologies for Website Development?

To venture into Web3 website creation, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with a few key technologies. Here they are made easy:

  • Blockchain Platforms: These serve as your website’s foundation. Ethereum is a popular choice, but Binance Smart Chain and others can work too.
  • Smart Contracts: This is your website’s rule book. It’s a program that automatically carries out transactions once certain conditions are met.
  • Web3 Libraries: These help your site communicate with the blockchain – think of it like ‘website-to-blockchain translators’. Web3.js and ethers.js are prime examples.
  • Wallet Providers: Services like MetaMask handle cryptocurrency transactions on your Web3 site.
  • Decentralized Storage Solutions: Imagine these as the cloud storage of the Web3 world, such as IPFS or Filecoin.

Becoming familiar with these tools and technologies will provide a strong head-start in creating your new-generation web presence.

Cryptocurrency Conversion In Web3 Development

Cryptocurrency conversion is a critical feature that enables flexibility and liquidity in the world of Web3 development.

As digital assets continue to evolve, developers and users alike require reliable methods for converting between various cryptocurrencies.

This is essential not only for trading and investment purposes but also for practical application development in the decentralized space.

For instance, when dealing with stablecoins, which are crucial for mitigating volatility in transactions, one might need to switch from one stablecoin to another to take advantage of different blockchain networks or to benefit from lower transaction fees.

Converting USDT to BUSD is a common requirement for traders and developers who want to operate across the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain ecosystems, respectively.

Furthermore, as the ecosystem grows, inter-token operability also becomes a necessity. Let’s take the example of the growing popularity of meme coins and the need to integrate them into the broader ecosystem of utility tokens.

Developers might find themselves in a position where they need to convert SHIB to MATIC, thereby integrating the viral success of a meme token with the scalability solutions offered by a platform like Polygon.

This not only helps in broadening the use case for such tokens but also in maintaining the robustness and adaptability of decentralized applications.

12 Steps on How to Create a Web3 Website

12 Steps on How to Create a Web3 Website

Building your Web3 website may seem like a daunting task at first, but with some understanding and the right steps, you can easily get started—strap in as we break down this process into manageable steps.

Choose a Blockchain Platform

Before you begin writing code or implementing functionalities, selecting the foundation of your Web3 website is crucial. This involves choosing a blockchain platform that best suits your needs.

Consider factors such as scalability, transaction speeds, community support, and the languages they support.

Ethereum has been a fan-favorite due to its robust ecosystems of developers and pre-existing dApps (decentralized applications). However, alternatives like Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Cardano or Polkadot may also suit specific use cases.

Create a Smart Contract

Your next move is hopping onto the development phase – creating smart contracts. So what’s this? Put, think of smart contracts as self-operating computer programs that automatically execute actions when specific conditions are met.

They’re pretty much the bread and butter of any decentralized application built on blockchain platforms.

For beginners in programming, Solidity is typically recommended as it’s designed for creating smart contracts for platforms like Ethereum.

For context, if you’re building an e-commerce site on Web3, you’d essentially need to concoct these smart contracts to facilitate and verify transactions such as purchasing products.

Start by defining the contract standards before adding in your custom functions – these will form the basic rules allowing buyers to view items for sale and complete purchases using cryptocurrency.

Integrate a Web3 Library

Now comes an integration phase – pairing up your interface with blockchain functionalities using a web3 library like web3.js or ethers.js.

These libraries are instrumental tools that allow functionality, such as interacting with blockchains on Ethereum-based platforms.

web3.js is commonly used as it provides intuitive functions to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. For instance, it’ll allow your website to make transactions or call smart contract functions.

On the other hand, ethers.js is an alternative that is well-favored due to its tiny footprint and modular structure.

Set up MetaMask or Other Wallet Providers for User Interactions

Every Web3 website will need a way for users to interact with the blockchain, and that’s where cryptocurrency wallets come into play. One of the most commonly used options out there, particularly for Ethereum-based DApps, is MetaMask.

Simply put, MetaMask acts as a bridge between traditional browsers and the Ethereum Blockchain. With it installed in your browser (it works as an extension), you can run Ethereum DApps right in your browser without running a full Ethereum node.

So, how do you set it up?

  • Head over to the official MetaMask website to get started.
  • Download and Install the browser extension.
  • Once installed, click on ‘Get Started’ followed by ‘Create a Wallet’.
  • Follow through with the given steps to set up your account securely – remember to keep a safe copy of your recovery phrase!

While we used MetaMask as an example here, several other wallet providers like Coinbase Wallet and Trust Wallet can be used depending on your specific needs.

The key takeaway should be that these wallets are mandatory tools while creating your Web3 website since they enable user interactions with the Blockchain.

Connect Your Smart Contract to Your Website

Now, you’ll need to integrate those smart contracts you composed earlier into your front-end so they can be put into action.

You’re essentially going to utilize that web3 library integrated earlier (choose either web3.js or ethers.js).

Either library allows seamless connection between blockchain functionalities and web applications, making them ideal tools for this step.

Bear in mind, though – establishing a connection does necessitate some coding skills, especially if you’re using JavaScript frameworks like React.js or Vue.js, along with HTML CSS design layouts for building front-end applications.

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Design a User-Friendly UI/UX With Web3 Functionalities

When it comes to user experience on any website, a friendly interface significantly influences user satisfaction and retention.

More so with your Web3 website, your design should maintain the standard features of a regular site while also accommodating blockchain features like wallet integration.

Remember that Web3 is still developing, and many users might be new to its functionalities. By ensuring an understandable and straightforward interface, you can pave the way for more users to understand and interact with Web3 technology.

Test the DApp on a Testnet

Before launching your project to the world, it’s critical to test it first in an environment that closely replicates real-world circumstances. This is where testing on a blockchain test network or ‘Testnet’ comes into play.

Testing on a Testnet lets you verify all your contracts are working as intended without any potential consequences. Trust me; it’s easier – and less nerve-wracking – to expose any bugs at this stage than when your site is already live.

Some popular Ethereum Testnets include Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, and Goerli. They mimic the Ethereum Mainnet in functionality without demanding real Ether for testing transactions.

It definitely pays off to ensure everything’s ironclad by this point before moving on to mainnet deployment.

Implement Advanced Smart Contract Features

Unlocking the full potential of your Web3 site requires going beyond basic smart contracts.

A couple of these advanced features you might want to consider include upgradability and oracles.

  • Upgradability: Just as with any app or website, you’ll likely need to update and improve it over time. With upgradable smart contracts, you can make changes after deployment without disrupting the existing blockchain.
  • Oracles: By default, blockchains and their smart contracts cannot access off-chain real-world data (like weather or price information). Oracles bridges that gap by feeding this data into the blockchain so your contracts can use it.

These advanced functionalities can enrich your website’s capabilities – ensure they’re implemented properly!

Optimize Gas Usage in Smart Contracts

Simply put, ‘gas’ in blockchain refers to the fee required to perform a transaction or execute a contract.

It’s crucial to optimize gas usage for two reasons: to cut down on unnecessary costs and ensure faster processing times for your transactions.

There are many ways to do this. For example, I am storing variables efficiently (as tightly packed structs), using libraries appropriately for common functionalities, and minimizing on-chain storage usage whenever possible.

Incorporate a Decentralized Storage Solution

Your Web3 site needs a place for storing and retrieving data—but how about doing that in a decentralized way, too? That’s where platforms like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and Filecoin come into play.

  • IPFS is a global, peer-to-peer network that stores files across multiple nodes. This is super useful as it provides redundancy (if one node fails, others still have copies), doesn’t rely on single servers (and therefore isn’t prone to server failure), and ensures that even if your website domain gets compromised, your data is safe.
  • Filecoin can be a great choice if you want additional incentives. Providers are rewarded for their storage space, making it economically advantageous and promoting decentralization at the same time.

Ensure Security Best Practices and Conduct Smart Contract Audits

You wouldn’t leave your home unlocked, right? Just like that, in the world of Web3, security cannot be an afterthought.

Conducting routine audits on your smart contracts can help identify vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit. Tools like Mythril, Slither, or even independent audit firms can aid in securing your Web3 website.

Adhere to best practices such as limiting permissions within smart contracts or incorporating emergency stops – these precautions provide additional layers of security to safeguard both your and your users’ experience.

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Deploy the DApp on the Mainnet and Monitor its Performance

Once you’ve tested extensively on Testnets and done your due diligence with security measures, it’s showtime – deploying your DApp on the mainnet (real blockchain). Congratulations!

Your task does not end there, though; consistently monitoring how it performs is just as crucial. Keep an eye out for any technical hiccups and user feedback, allowing, needless to say, any unexpected vulnerabilities.

The great thing about blockchain is transparency – you’ve got clear data at hand about how many people are interacting with your contract and what they’re doing.

Generated insights could be pivotal for evolving your website further down the line.

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FAQs About Web3 Websites

What is a Web3 Website?

A Web3 website is an innovative internet platform using blockchain tech to decentralize operations and provide users with more control over their own data.

How does a Web3 website differ from a standard site?

Unlike traditional websites, Web3 websites integrate blockchain technology, allowing user-controlled data management and secure digital transactions through cryptocurrencies.

Which tools do I need to create a Web3 website?

Some essentials are a selected blockchain platform (e.g. Ethereum), smart contracts, web3 library (e.g., web3.js), MetaMask, or other wallet providers for user interactions.

What is the role of MetaMask in creating a Web3 website?

MetaMask functions as a bridge between your browser and the Ethereum Blockchain, letting you run Ethereum DApps without the need for an entire Ethereum node.

Why do I need to test my DApp on a Testnet before deploying it on mainnet?

Testing on a Testnet lets you check if all your contracts are working accurately before launching your project live. It’s beneficial to spot any bugs first in this environment.


Setting up a Web3 website isn’t a piece of cake, but it’s definitely achievable with dedication and the right set of steps.

Embrace the power of decentralization technology and leverage the mentioned blockchain ecosystem tools, libraries, smart contracts, and user-friendly interfaces to lay your innovative digital foundation.

Back it up with rigorous tests on Testnets, smart contract audits and efficient gas usage to ensure smooth sailing during your website operations.

Remember that creating tailor-made smart contracts and utilizing secure wallets like MetaMask are instrumental in weaving together a seamless Web3 experience for your users.


  • Manpreet Singh

    I'm Manpreet Singh, Head of Content & Chief Product Reviewer at OfzenandComputing.com. Born in India and now making waves in Canada, I merge my Computer Science background with a passion for content. Whether it's an in-depth product review or a tech guide, I'm committed to making tech relatable and enjoyable for all. Outside work, Canada's nature and food are my playground. Dive into my world and let's demystify tech together!
