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Goddess of Genesis S Tier List (April 2025) Best Heroes

Goddess of Genesis S Tier List ([nmf] [cy]) Best Heroes
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 07/23/2023
Est. Reading: 4 minutes

Goddess of Genesis S is an adventure game where players take on the sacred mission of saving the world. Players can meet, recruit and team up with powerful heroes to write their story on this incredible journey. When forming your party, you will have a wide range of heroes to choose from, making it difficult to decide who should join you on your quest.

To help you make the best decision, we have created the Goddess of Genesis S tier list. This comprehensive ranking guide of all the heroes in Goddess of Genesis S compares their relative strengths and weaknesses, so you can decide which hero fits best for your team composition.

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Goddess Of Genesis S Tier List (April 2025)

Winning battles in Goddess of Genesis S requires not only skill and strategy but also the right combination of heroes. The player should take into consideration the heroes’ class, together with their stats and abilities before making a decision.

Goddess Of Genesis S Tier List (April 2025)

To make it easier to choose the right team composition, we have split our Goddess of Genesis S tier list into six tiers SSS, SS, S, A, B, and C depending on the hero’s power level. We also mention the main class of each hero. So, you can quickly identify the advantages and disadvantages of a character before selecting it for your team.

Goddess Of Genesis S SSS Tier List (2025)

The SSS tier is the highest tier in our Goddess of Genesis S tier list. The heroes in this ranking are the most magnificent you can acquire in the game and will rarely fail a player. Having an SSS hero on your team is a guarantee of victory.

Goddess Of Genesis S SSS Tier List (2025)
  • Dracula as a guardian
  • Artemis as a ranger
  • Isabella as a healer and a supporter

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Goddess Of Genesis S SS Tier List (2025)

Heroes in the SS tier are some of the best ones you can recruit for your team. They possess great stats and abilities that can tip the scales of battle in your favor.

Goddess Of Genesis S SS Tier List (2025)
  • Bloody Mary as a DPS and a CC unit
  • Abe No Seimei as a supporter and a CC unit
  • Valkyrie as a guardian and a DPS
  • Alice as a supporter and a CC unit
  • Hades as an assassin and a DPS
  • Lucifer as a DPS hero

Goddess Of Genesis S S Tier List (2025)

The heroes in the S tier are the strongest ones in the game. Those characters can easily overpower enemies and play an important role on your team.

Goddess Of Genesis S S Tier List (2025)
  • Venus as a healer
  • Gabriel as a supporter and a DPS
  • Athena as a supporter and a healer
  • Merlin as a DPS
  • Michael as a DPS
  • Lilith as a DPS
  • Jester as an assassin
  • Cha Ng’e as a supporter and a healer
  • Hanzo Hattori as a DPS
  • Poseidon as a guardian

Goddess Of Genesis S A Tier List (2025)

A-tier heroes are also good for ensuring victory but are not as powerful as their counterparts in higher tiers. Those who choose an A-tier hero should bear in mind that they will need more strategy and skill to be able to compete.

Goddess Of Genesis S A Tier List (2025)
  • Cleopatra as a DPS
  • Marco Polo
  • Snow white
  • Loki
  • Apollo
  • Protagonist
  • Cupid
  • Medusa
  • Lancelot
  • Amamo
  • Pandora

Goddess Of Genesis S B Tier List (2025)

When it comes to B-tier heroes, their usefulness depends on the setup of your team. They are somewhat good but not powerful enough to completely dominate enemies.

Goddess Of Genesis S B Tier List (2025)
  • Angel
  • Slime King
  • Michelin
  • Sherlock
  • Fenrir

Goddess Of Genesis S C Tier List (2025)

Finally, we have the C tier in our Goddess of Genesis S tier list. The characters in this ranking are the weakest ones and should be avoided if possible.

Goddess Of Genesis S C Tier List (2025)
  • Captain Kidd
  • Vivian
  • Red Riding Hood
  • Gawain
  • Shakespeare
  • Robin Hood

Also Check: Tales of Grimm Tier List (2025)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best heroes in the Goddess of Genesis S tier list?

The best heroes in the Goddess of Genesis S tier list are Isabella, Dracula, and Artemis. These three characters are part of the SSS tier in our tier list and should be your first choice when recruiting for a team.

2. Who are the worst heroes in the Goddess of Genesis S?

Vivian, Robin Hood, Captain Kidd, and Gawain are the worst heroes in the Goddess of Genesis S. We recommend avoiding these characters since they are part of the C tier in our Goddess of Genesis S tier list.

3. What are the advantages of having an SSS hero?

An SSS hero is one of the best characters you can find in Goddess of Genesis S, so having it on your team means that you have a great chance of winning any battle. They possess powerful stats and abilities, making them indispensable to any team.

Check More: Artery Gear Fusion Tier List (2025)

Final Words

We hope that our Goddess of Genesis S tier list will be useful in helping you to choose the best heroes for your team and ultimately, win battles! Good luck and have fun on your adventure!


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!