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Girls Frontline Tier List (April 2025) Best T-Dolls Ranked

Girls Frontline Tier List ([nmf] [cy]) Best T-Dolls Ranked
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 07/31/2023
Est. Reading: 16 minutes

Welcome to our Girls Frontline tier list for 2025, where we'll be ranking the best characters based on their performance, abilities, and overall effectiveness. Girls Frontline is an incredibly popular mobile game featuring an impressive roster of tactical dolls also known as T-dolls. These T-dolls possess their unique abilities and skills, making them essential components of your team in the game's strategy-based combat.

In this comprehensive tier list, we'll break the top characters from Tier S down to Tier F, highlighting the best choices for your team composition to help you dominate the battlefield. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the game, this guide will help you make the best choices and build the strongest team possible. So gear up, and let's dive into the Girls Frontline tier list for 2025!

Also Useful: Arknights Tier List (2025)

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What To Look For While Choosing The Right T-doll in Girls Frontline?

Choosing the right characters in Girls Frontline is essential for success in the game since each T-doll offers unique abilities, skills, and synergies within your team. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the best T-dolls for your squad:

What to look for while choosing the right characters in Girls Frontline?
  • Role: T-dolls are designed to fulfill various roles in combat, such as DPS (damage per second), tank, support, or buffer. It's crucial to have a balanced team with different roles – you'll need frontline tanks to absorb damage, DPS units to dish out damage, and support characters to enhance or heal your team.
  • Rarity: T-dolls' rarity levels range from 1-star to 6-stars. Generally, higher rarity T-dolls have better base stats and growth potential, making them more desirable. However, lower-rarity T-dolls can still be powerful when used strategically and appropriately.
  • Skillset: Consider the skills and abilities each T-doll offers. Some excel at crowd control, some provide excellent healing support, while others specialize in powerful single-target damage. Evaluate your team's needs and choose T-dolls that complement your existing lineup.
  • Synergy: Some T-dolls work exceptionally well together, offering signing bonuses and boosting each other's abilities. Look for T-dolls that have a good synergy with your existing team members to maximize their overall potential and effectiveness.
  • Ease of obtaining and upgrading: Certain T-dolls can be challenging to acquire or upgrade due to limited availability, high resource costs, or RNG factors. While it's ideal to aim for the best T-dolls, consider their obtainability and upgrade potential based on your in-game progress and resources.
  • Personal preferences: Although tier lists help make informed decisions, it's essential to choose the T-dolls you enjoy using. Every player's experience and playstyle may vary, so prioritize the characters you connect with and have fun using in the game.

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Girls Frontline Tier List (April 2025)

Explore the Girls Frontline tier list and discover the most formidable characters in the game. Uncover the top-tier heroes and strategize your team composition for ultimate success on the battlefield.

Girls Frontline S Tier List 2025: The Elite Forces of Girls Frontline

This tier is home to the cream of the crop when it comes to T-dolls, boasting exceptional abilities and unparalleled combat prowess. These T-dolls are practically must-haves to ensure a dominant performance on the battlefield.

Girls Frontline S Tier List 2025: The Elite Forces of Girls Frontline
  • OTs-14
  • G41
  • Contender
  • Grizzly
  • M950A
  • M99
  • Vector
  • M1887
  • NZ75
  • Carcano M1891
  • MG5
  • HK416
  • FAL
  • T91
  • Negev
  • Welrod Mk. 2
  • G11
  • Lee-Enfield
  • IWS 2000
  • NTW-20
  • Saiga-12
  • MG4
  • Thompson
  • Suomi
  • WA2000
  • Type 79

Girls Frontline A Tier List 2025: The High Performers

Tier A T-dolls are exceptional in their own right but may fall slightly behind Tier S choices. These characters are still excellent options for your team, providing a strong wealth of skills and damage output.

Girls Frontline A Tier List 2025: The High Performers
  • AK-12
  • CZ2000
  • MP7
  • UMP45
  • Kar98k
  • HK21
  • Am RFB
  • AN-94
  • Five-SeveN
  • SAT 8
  • G36C
  • Type 95
  • Ballista
  • C-MS
  • AA-12
  • Zas M21
  • AUG
  • ART556
  • K2
  • Type 100
  • MDR
  • Contender
  • KSG
  • SR-3MP
  • SRS
  • DSR-50
  • JS05
  • PKP
  • Carcano M91
  • FP-6

Girls Frontline B Tier List 2025: Solid Options for Team Building

These T-dolls may not be as powerful as their Tier S or Tier A counterparts, but they still provide decent support and capacity in different scenarios. They're a good choice if you're seeking variety and flexibility in your team composition.

Girls Frontline B Tier List 2025: Solid Options for Team Building
  • Springfield
  • Gr PSG-1
  • PTRD
  • M60
  • Spitfire
  • PzB39
  • Shipka
  • Mk48
  • 9A-91
  • Honey Badger
  • KLIN
  • M1014
  • Type 80
  • AEK-999
  • M37
  • Type 97
  • UMP9
  • AR-15
  • PK
  • G28
  • Mosin-Nagant
  • PP-90
  • TAR-21
  • M1918
  • P7
  • USAS-12
  • RO635
  • Ameli
  • Gr MP5
  • Ribeyrolles
  • M1873
  • SPAS-12
  • M590
  • UMP40
  • PP-19-01
  • Stechkin
  • Thunder .50 cal
  • XM8
  • G36
  • M4A1
  • PP-19
  • SPP-1
  • Mk23
  • Super-shorty
  • M16A1
  • Type 56-1
  • MG3
  • K5
  • Ak 5
  • AS VAL
  • T-5000
  • SVD

Girls Frontline C Tier List 2025: Balanced Performers with Niche Roles

T-dolls in Tier C are decent, well-rounded options that can have specialized roles and unique abilities in specific situations. They may not always be the go-to choice but can provide utility and value within certain team compositions.

Girls Frontline C Tier List 2025: Balanced Performers with Niche Roles
  • KS-23
  • StG44
  • FMG-9
  • M21
  • RMB-93
  • M14
  • SV-98
  • M1 Garand
  • Tokarev
  • Skorpion
  • Mini Uzi
  • M1919
  • Ingram
  • AK-47
  • FF FNC
  • M9
  • Sten
  • EVO 3
  • Type 56
  • PPS-43
  • Astra
  • Luger P08
  • MG42
  • Z-62
  • Model L
  • M2HB
  • OTs-12
  • Hanyang 88
  • CZ-805
  • Mauser C96
  • Makarov
  • Glock 17

Girls Frontline D Tier List 2025: Adequate but Outshined by Others

These T-dolls are usable and may excel in very specific situations, but they tend to be outperformed by those found in higher tiers. They can be a suitable choice for new players or if you're limited by your T-doll collection.

Girls Frontline D Tier List 2025: Adequate but Outshined by Others
  • AR70
  • OTs-39
  • Gepard M1
  • P226
  • SCW
  • F2000
  • HK45
  • F1
  • M500
  • SSG 69
  • M1897
  • M249 SAW
  • Type 81
  • NS2000
  • MT-9
  • Bren
  • CZ52
  • M1A1
  • HK23
  • GSh-18
  • T77
  • ARX-160
  • Super SASS
  • M12
  • P99
  • WZ 29
  • Type 92
  • Serdyukov
  • OTs-44
  • PSM
  • TMP
  • Ash-12.7
  • T65
  • M1911

Girls Frontline F Tier List 2025: The Underdogs for Exploration

T-dolls placed in Tier F offer minimal advantages compared to those in higher tiers, often having limited use cases. However, these characters can provide a fresh experience for players interested in experimenting with different game strategies and team compositions.

Girls Frontline F Tier List 2025: The Underdogs for Exploration
  • Galil
  • SVT-38
  • PPSh-41
  • M3
  • RPD
  • SIG-510
  • Type 64
  • Type 59
  • FN-49
  • Simonov
  • AAT-52
  • DP28
  • MG34
  • M45
  • FF FNP9
  • PP-2000
  • IDW
  • G3 Beretta Model 38
  • G43
  • PPK
  • Type 63
  • MP-446
  • MP-40
  • L85A1
  • Nagant revolver
  • FG42
  • Specter M4
  • P38
  • VM59

Girls Frontline Assault Rifles List 2025: The All-Rounders for Your Team

The Assault Rifles are versatile weapons, providing strong firepower and accuracy at various ranges. These T-dolls function as solid damage dealers and are often key to achieving victory on the battlefield.

Girls Frontline Assault Rifles List 2025: The All-Rounders for Your Team
  • G11 (Tier S)
  • AK-12 (Tier A)
  • T91 (Tier S).

Girls Frontline Handguns List 2025: The Supportive Specialists

Handguns play a crucial supportive role in your team, offering force multiplier effects such as buffing other T-dolls' performance or debuffing enemies. Selecting the right handgun can significantly improve your overall team composition.

Girls Frontline Handguns List 2025: The Supportive Specialists
  • Grizzly (Tier S)
  • Five-SeveN (Tier A)
  • Welrod Mk. 2 (Tier S).

Girls Frontline Machine Guns List 2025: Unleashing a Hail of Bullets

Machine guns provide unparalleled firepower with their unmatched rate of fire, making them ideal for mowing down waves of enemies. However, this high damage output often comes at the cost of accuracy and long reload times.

Girls Frontline Machine Guns List 2025: Unleashing a Hail of Bullets
  • MG5 (Tier S)
  • Negev (Tier S)
  • PKP (Tier A).

Girls Frontline Rifles List 2025: Precision Snipers for Long Range Advantage

Rifles excel in dealing high, pinpoint damage at long range, taking out key targets before they can even approach your team. While offering excellent firepower, these weapons may struggle in close-quarter combat.

Girls Frontline Rifles List 2025: Precision Snipers for Long Range Advantage
  • Lee-Enfield (Tier S)
  • IWS 2000 (Tier S)
  • Springfield (Tier B).

Girls Frontline Shotguns List 2025: Ferocious Frontline Tanks

Shotguns offer unrivaled stopping power at close range, often boasting high damage and armor penetration. These T-dolls typically function as frontline tanks, absorbing damage and shielding your other characters.

Girls Frontline Shotguns List 2025: Ferocious Frontline Tanks
  • M1887 (Tier S)
  • Saiga-12 (Tier S)
  • KSG (Tier A).

Girls Frontline Submachine Guns List 2025: Lightning Fast Close Combat Terrors

Submachine guns specialize in close-range rapid-fire capabilities, tearing through enemies at blinding speeds. These T-dolls often come with strong evasion abilities, making them difficult targets for enemies to hit.

Girls Frontline Submachine Guns List 2025: Lightning Fast Close Combat Terrors
  • Suomi (Tier S)
  • Vector (Tier S)
  • MP7 (Tier A).

Girls Frontline Characters Explained

Delve into the strengths and weaknesses of Girls Frontline characters, gaining valuable insights into their unique abilities. Unravel the pros and cons of each hero, empowering you to build a balanced and powerful squad.

1. FAL (Tier S)

FAL (Tier S)

Pros: High damage output, excellent rate of fire, and versatility in various team compositions

Cons: Lower accuracy compared to some other rifles

Recommended for: Players who need a reliable high-damage dealer for their teams

Avoid if: Your team already has strong DPS characters

2. G11 (Tier S)

G11 (Tier S)

Pros: Incredibly high burst damage potential, automatic targeting, and unique ability to negate enemy evasion

Cons: Lower sustained DPS compared to other top-tier T-dolls

Recommended for: Players seeking a T-doll that can quickly eliminate high-priority enemies

Avoid if: You're looking for sustained, consistent DPS rather than burst damage

3. Grizzly (Tier S)

Grizzly (Tier S)

Pros: Strong debuffing capabilities, exceptional support for all team compositions, and a powerful damage-boosting skill

Cons: Limited offensive capabilities

Recommended for: Players wanting to enhance the overall effectiveness of their team

Avoid if: You need a primary damage dealer

4. NZ75 (Tier S)

NZ75 (Tier S)

Pros: Excellent damage output, reliable crowd control, and high versatility

Cons: Not as specialized as other handguns in specific roles

Recommended for: Players who want a well-rounded, versatile handgun for supporting their team

Avoid if: You already have strong crowd control capabilities or need a more specialized handgun

5. HK416 (Tier S)

HK416 (Tier S)

Pros: High damage output, strong grenade skill, and consistent performance in various team compositions

Cons: Not as specialized as some other Tier S T-dolls

Recommended for: Players seeking a reliable, versatile assault rifle for their team

Avoid if: You're looking for a unique character to fill a specific team role

6. IWS 2000 (Tier S)

IWS 2000 (Tier S)

Pros: Extreme long-range damage potential, high accuracy, and good at eliminating high-priority targets

Cons: Slow rate of fire, more specialized than other rifles

Recommended for: Players who want a powerful, long-range sniper for their team

Avoid if: You're looking for a well-rounded or fast rate of fire rifle

7. Lee-Enfield(Tier S)

Lee-Enfield(Tier S)

Pros: High rate of fire, strong single-target damage, good critical chance

Cons: Less effective in crowd control, more suitable for single-target elimination

Recommended for: Players needing a powerful single-target damage dealer

Avoid if: You need more effective crowd control options

8. M1887 (Tier S)

M1887 (Tier S)

Pros: High burst damage, excellent crowd control, and unique close-range, slug-firing shotgun

Cons: Lower sustained damage, more difficult to master compared to other shotguns

Recommended for: Players looking for a powerful and unique crowd-control T-doll

Avoid if: You're not comfortable dealing with positioning and timing for optimal damage

9. M950A (Tier S)

M950A (Tier S)

Pros: Strong supportive capabilities, exceptional rate of fire boost for your team, and good survivability

Cons: Lacks offensive power, more focused on team support

Recommended for: Players wanting to boost the overall DPS and survivability of their team

Avoid if: You're looking for a strong primary damage dealer, or already have adequate team support

10. M99 (Tier S)

M99 (Tier S)

Pros: Excellent single-target elimination, good critical chance, and strong anti-materiel power

Cons: Slow rate of fire, less effective in crowd control scenarios

Recommended for: Players seeking a powerful sniper rifle capable of taking down high-priority and heavily armored targets

Avoid if: You need a fast rate of fire rifle or a crowd control weapon

11. MG4 (Tier S)

MG4 (Tier S)

Pros: High sustained DPS, excellent rate of fire, and good for suppressing enemy forces

Cons: Limited in crowd control and burst damage scenarios

Recommended for: Players in need of a reliable, high-damage machine gun for sustained encounters with enemy forces

Avoid if: You require T-dolls with burst damage or exceptional crowd control abilities

12. Negev (Tier S) 

Negev (Tier S) 

Pros: Great sustained damage output, powerful suppressive fire, and high versatility

Cons: Less effective in short encounters or against single targets

Recommended for: Players wanting a machine gun that can suppress enemies and deliver consistent damage over an extended range

Avoid if: Quick burst damage or single-target elimination is a higher priority

13. NTW-20 (Tier S)

NTW-20 (Tier S)

Pros: Exceptional single-target damage, high armor penetration, and powerful anti-materiel skills

Cons: Slow rate of fire, limited effectiveness in crowd control scenarios

Recommended for: Players wanting a powerful sniper to eliminate heavily armored targets and bosses

Avoid if: You prioritize fast rate of fire rifles or crowd control weapons

14. OTs-14 (Tier S)

OTs-14 (Tier S)

Pros: High overall DPS, strong burst damage potential, and versatility for various team compositions

Cons: Lower range compared to other rifles

Recommended for: Players seeking a reliable damage dealer with strong burst damage capabilities

Avoid if: You're looking for a long-range sniper or a more specialized T-doll for specific roles

15. Saiga-12 (Tier S)

Saiga-12 (Tier S)

Pros: High crowd control capabilities, strong burst damage, and good survivability

Cons: Lower sustained damage compared to other shotguns

Recommended for: Players who need a powerful shotgun with excellent crowd control

Avoid if: You're looking for a high sustained damage shotgun or a more specialized T-doll

16. Suomi (Tier S)

Suomi (Tier S)

Pros: High evasion rate, strong damage output, and good self-buffing abilities

Cons: Less effective in suppressing enemies compared to other SMGs

Recommended for: Players wanting a high-damage SMG that can evade enemy attacks effectively

Avoid if: Your team needs an SMG focused more on enemy suppression

17. T91 (Tier S)

T91 (Tier S)

Pros: Well-rounded damage dealer, good rate of fire, and versatile for various team compositions

Cons: Not as specialized as other Tier S T-dolls

Recommended for: Players seeking a reliable and versatile assault rifle for their team

Avoid if: You're looking for a unique character to fill a specific team role

18. Thompson (Tier S)

Thompson (Tier S)

Pros: Excellent tanking capabilities, high HP, and good crowd-control abilities

Cons: Lower damage output compared to other SMGs

Recommended for: Players who need a T-doll capable of soaking up enemy damage effectively

Avoid if: Your team requires a high-damage SMG or a strong-damage dealer

19. Contender (Tier S)

Contender (Tier S)

Pros: Strong support capabilities, versatile for different team compositions, and powerful armor penetration

Cons: Low rate of fire and limited offensive power

Recommended for: Players wanting to improve team utility and boost the damage of other T-dolls

Avoid if: You're looking for a primary damage dealer or high rate of fire handgun

20. Type 79 (Tier S)

Type 79 (Tier S)

Pros: Great crowd control capabilities, high rate of fire, and versatility in various team compositions

Cons: Not as specialized in single-target damage compared to other SMGs

Recommended for: Players who need a versatile, crowd-control-focused SMG

Avoid if: You prioritize single-target damage or need a more specialized T-doll.

21. Vector (Tier S)

Vector (Tier S)

Pros: High damage output, effective crowd control, and excellent incendiary grenade skill

Cons: Less effective in longer engagements due to limited ammo

Recommended for: Players seeking an SMG with strong crowd control and damage capabilities

Avoid if: You need an SMG focused more on sustained engagements

22. WA2000 (Tier S)

WA2000 (Tier S)

Pros: High damage output, strong critical hit chance, and good versatility in various team compositions

Cons: Not as specialized in specific roles compared to other sniper rifles

Recommended for: Players looking for a well-rounded and reliable sniper rifle

Avoid if: You require a specialized sniper for a specific task

23. Welrod Mk. 2 (Tier S)

Welrod Mk. 2 (Tier S)

Pros: Excellent support capabilities, debuffs enemy accuracy, and useful in various team compositions

Cons: Limited offensive power compared to other handguns

Recommended for: Players in need of a strong support handgun to increase team effectiveness

Avoid if: You're searching for a handgun with more offensive capabilities

24. Carcano M1891 (Tier S)

Carcano M1891 (Tier S)

Pros: High damage output, good critical hit chance, and high utility with active skill

Cons: Less effective in crowd control situations

Recommended for: Players who want a sniper rifle with high single-target damage potential and utility

Avoid if: You need a sniper rifle more focused on crowd control or with higher sustained DPS

25. AK-12 (Tier A)

AK-12 (Tier A)

Pros: High overall DPS, versatile skill set, and good for various team compositions

Cons: Not as specialized as Tier S T-dolls

Recommended for: Players seeking a reliable and versatile assault rifle for their team

Avoid if: You’re looking for a unique character to fill a specific team role or already have S Tier assault rifles

26. Zas M21 (Tier A)

Zas M21 (Tier A)

Pros: Strong burst damage, effective crowd control, and good supportive capabilities

Cons: Lower sustained damage compared to other rifles

Recommended for: Players who want a powerful rifle with burst damage and supportive capabilities

Avoid if: You need a high sustained damage T-doll or already have a reliable DPS character

27. CZ2000 (Tier A)

CZ2000 (Tier A)

Pros: Good overall DPS, versatile in various team compositions, and decent utility

Cons: Not as strong or specialized as Tier S T-dolls

Recommended for: Players looking for a reliable and versatile assault rifle for their team

Avoid if: You require a unique character to fill a specific team role

28. C-MS (Tier A)

C-MS (Tier A)

Pros: Excellent evasion capabilities, good damage output, and versatility for different team compositions

Cons: Less effective in suppressing enemies compared to other SMGs

Recommended for: Players who want a well-rounded SMG that can evade enemy attacks effectively

Avoid if: Your team needs a more specialized SMG for a specific role

29. KSG (Tier A)

KSG (Tier A)

Pros: Strong burst damage, excellent armor penetration, and good survivability

Cons: Less effective in crowd control compared to other shotguns

Recommended for: Players who need a powerful shotgun with high armor penetration

Avoid if: You prioritize crowd control capabilities in a shotgun

30. Am RFB (Tier A)

Am RFB (Tier A)

Pros: High overall DPS, good versatility in team compositions, and decent utility

Cons: Not as specialized as Tier S T-dolls

Recommended for: Players seeking a reliable and versatile assault rifle for their team

Avoid if: You're looking for a unique character to fill a specific team role or already have a strong DPS roster

How To Get Better at Girls Frontline?

Improving your skills in Girls Frontline requires patience, strategy, and a thorough understanding of game mechanics. Here are some tips to help you get better at the game:

How to get better at Girls Frontline?
  • Understand the game mechanics: Spend time learning the basics of the game, such as leveling up, the combat simulation, and the logistics support system. Familiarize yourself with different types of T-dolls, their abilities, and roles in your echelon (team composition). 
  • Study the tier list: Use our tier list as a guide to choose the best T-dolls for your echelon. Focus on acquiring high-tier T-dolls through production, events, or other means.
  • Optimize your echelons: Create balanced and effective echelons by selecting T-dolls that complement each other. It's essential to have a mix of different T-doll types—such as AR (assault rifles), RF (rifles), and SMG (submachine guns), among others—to ensure the best results in battles.
  • Level and enhance T-dolls: Train your T-dolls through battles or Combat Simulations to increase their level and improve their stats. Remember to enhance, dummy links, and upgrade their skills regularly to unleash their full potential.
  • Equip your T-dolls: Provide your T-dolls with suitable equipment to increase their performance in battle. Equipment such as scopes, suppressors, and armor-piercing ammunition can make a significant difference in your T-dolls' effectiveness.
  • Develop proper formations: Experiment with different T-doll formations and adjust your echelon setup based on specific battle scenarios. Optimize their positioning so that they can cover each other and minimize damage.
  • Understand enemy patterns: Learn the strengths and weaknesses of various enemy types and develop counter strategies accordingly. Some enemies may require specific equipment, T-doll types, or formations to defeat effectively.
  • Resource management: Efficiently use your resources—such as manpower, ammunition, rations, and parts—to avoid running out during critical moments. Participate in daily, weekly, and special missions, and logistics support to keep your resources stocked up.
  • Research and upgrade: Explore the research system to access powerful technologies that can improve your T-dolls' performance, such as HOC (Heavy Ordnance Corps) units and fairies.
  • Engage in the community: Join online forums, subreddits, and Discord groups to stay updated on the latest strategies, events, and meta changes. Discuss and share experiences with fellow commanders to learn from each other and improve your gameplay.

How To Unlock T-dolls in Girls Frontline?

Unlocking characters in Girls Frontline is an exciting and rewarding aspect of the game. Players can acquire T-dolls through various methods including producing, looting, and clearing missions. Here's a breakdown of different ways to unlock characters in the game:

How to unlock characters in Girls Frontline?
  • T-Doll Production: You can produce T-dolls at the Factory by spending resources such as Manpower, Ammo, Rations, and Parts. The amount and combination of resources you use will determine the type and rarity of the T-doll you'll obtain. The production takes time, but you can speed it up using Quick Production Contracts.
  • Heavy Production: This is a special type of T-doll production that requires additional resources and a Heavy Equipment Contract. Heavy Production is the primary method to obtain rare, powerful T-dolls, such as those with 5-star ratings.
  • Friend Points Gacha: By participating in friends' support Echelons or exchanging friend points, you can earn Friend Points. You can then use these points to draw from a special gacha pool, which occasionally offers exclusive or limited T-dolls as rewards.
  • Event Rewards: Limited-time events often have exclusive T-dolls as rewards for completing mission objectives, achieving high-ranking scores, or through other specific requirements. Be sure to participate in events to unlock unique and powerful T-dolls.
  • Map Clearing and Quest Rewards: As you progress through the game and clear maps in the Campaign, you may receive T-dolls as rewards or from loot drops. You can also get T-dolls from completing certain quests or achievements.
  • Exchange Shop: Occasionally, you will be able to purchase T-dolls in the Exchange shop using tokens such as Black Cards, Advanced Training Data, or event-specific currency. Be sure to keep an eye on the shop for new options that may become available.

Also Check: Honkai Impact 3rd Tier List (2025)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are T-dolls in Girls Frontline?

T-dolls (Tactical Dolls) are anthropomorphized guns taking the form of female characters. They serve as the main playable characters in the game and have unique abilities and skills to assist you in strategy-based combat.

2. How are the T-dolls ranked in this tier list?

In this tier list, T-dolls are ranked from Tier S down to Tier F, with Tier S being the best and most powerful, and Tier F being the weakest.

3. What factors determine a T-doll's tier ranking?

A T-doll's tier ranking is determined by its performance, abilities, and overall effectiveness in the game. This includes their skills, stats, tile buffs, and synergy with other T-dolls.

4. Can T-dolls be upgraded in Girls Frontline?

Yes, players can upgrade their T-dolls through leveling up, skill training, equipment enhancement, and modding.

5. Are there any T-dolls that can only be acquired through special events?

Yes, certain T-dolls can only be obtained through special events, gacha, or collaboration events.

6. How can I obtain new T-dolls in the game?

Players can obtain new T-dolls through various methods such as production, logistics support missions, combat simulation, and event rewards.

7. Are all T-dolls available in every server or region?

There may be certain T-dolls exclusive to specific servers or regions due to licensing agreements and regional differences.

8. Can I create a strong team composition by only using Tier S T-dolls?

Although Tier S T-dolls are the strongest and most versatile, it's still essential to balance your team with different roles, such as AR/SMGs, RF/HGs, and MGs/SGs, to achieve a well-rounded composition.

9. What are the main roles of T-dolls?

T-dolls can be classified into various roles, such as Assault Rifles (AR), Submachine Guns (SMG), Sniper Rifles (RF), Handguns (HG), Machine Guns (MG), and Shotguns (SG).

10. How important are tile buffs in the game?

Tile buffs play a crucial role in enhancing your T-dolls' performance on the battlefield. They provide stat boosts to nearby T-dolls, improving their overall effectiveness and synergy.

11. When should I swap out a lower-tier T-doll for a higher-tier one?

Once you obtain a stronger T-doll that fills the same role and synergizes well with your current team, it's generally best to swap out the lower-tier T-doll for the higher-tier one.

12. Can lower-tier T-dolls be viable in certain situations?

Yes, lower-tier T-dolls can still be viable in specific scenarios or team compositions, especially if they synergize well with other T-dolls on your team.

13. Are there any rare T-dolls in Girls Frontline?

Yes, certain T-dolls are considered rare due to their low drop rates, limited availability, or event exclusivity.

14. How do I obtain limited or event-exclusive T-dolls?

Limited or event-exclusive T-dolls can only be obtained during their respective events, collaboration gachas, or special campaigns.

15. Can any T-dolls be evolved or awakened to improve their abilities?

In Girls Frontline, T-dolls can undergo a process called "Modding," which improves their abilities, skills, and stats, making them stronger.

16. What is the best way to level up T-dolls quickly?

The most efficient way to level up T-dolls is by participating in combat simulations, story missions, and grinding at higher-level areas with good resource drops.

17. How many T-dolls can be included in a single echelon?

In Girls Frontline, players can form an echelon containing up to 5 T-dolls.

18. How can I maximize my chances of getting a specific T-doll during production?

Each T-doll has specific production rates that are affected by the input resources used during production. To maximize your chances of getting a specific T-doll, use a recipe that best matches her drop rate.

19. Can I reroll my account to obtain a better starting T-doll pool in Girls Frontline?

While it's technically possible to reroll your account, it can be time-consuming and may not guarantee a substantially better T-doll pool. It's generally more efficient to progress through the game and acquire new T-dolls as you go.

20. How often should I update my Girls Frontline tier list?

As the game receives regular updates and balance changes, it's a good idea to keep an eye on updated tier lists periodically. Be sure to check back for new character releases and updates to make sure your team remains top-notch.


Our Girls Frontline tier list for 2025 serves as a valuable resource for players looking to optimize their team composition and conquer the strategic battles that lie ahead.

While the Tier S dolls are undoubtedly the most potent and sought-after characters, do not neglect T-dolls' potential in lower tiers, as they can complement your strategies and provide surprising support.

Remember that the game is subject to updates, so stay tuned for possible balance changes and new character additions that could shake up the rankings.

Remember to experiment with different combinations and, most importantly, enjoy your gaming experience as you delve deeper into the captivating world of Girls Frontline.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!