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Giant Fly 5E Creature [Tackle These Annoying Yet Dangerous Insects]

giant fly 5e
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 01/11/2024
Est. Reading: 6 minutes

In the intriguing world of Dungeons & Dragons, where every creature possesses a distinctive set of attributes and characteristics, there exists an insectoid monster that fascinates players and gamemasters alike.

This creature, known as the Giant Fly 5e, offers an unexpected challenge and adds unique layers to your gameplay experiences that stand out from any typical monsters.

The giant fly is not your everyday housefly; it encompasses more than what meets the eye. This colossal incarnation, while maintaining its innate insect characteristics, redefines the dimensionality of these creatures in the game.

Despite its mundane counterpart being susceptible to a simple fly swatter, this beast proves to be an adversary worth reckoning with. Let’s delve deeper into understanding this fascinating creature.

Attributes of Giant Fly 5e

As an enormous relative of the common flies we see every day, this creature’s attributes are critical for creating engrossing gameplay.

Attributes of Giant Fly 5e

These attributes include its hit points, speed, senses, and special abilities. These statistics are key to identifying strategies to confront this monster effectively.

Your upcoming table will provide a detailed breakdown of these features aiding the players and game masters both to craft a more immersive giant fly encounter.

SensesDarkvision 60 ft.
Armor Class (AC)13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
Hit Points (hp)15 (2d8+6)
Fortitude Save+6
Reflex Save+3
Will Save+2
ImmunitiesDisease, Mind-affecting effects
Speed20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee AttackBite +2 (1d6+1 plus Disease)
Strength (Str)12
Dexterity (Dex)17
Constitution (Con)16
Intelligence (Int)0
Wisdom (Wis)7
Charisma (Cha)2
Base Attack Bonus (Base Atk)+1
Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB)+2
Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD)15
EnvironmentAny temperate or tropical

What is Giant Fly 5e?

The giant fly 5e, a larger relative of common flies, is an insectoid monstrosity that players encounter in the beloved role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e).

What is Giant Fly 5e

Unlike their real-world counterparts, these colossal creatures are not easily overlooked. They measure several meters in size and bring noteworthy encounters to your D&D sessions.

In the world of D&D 5e, a Giant Fly’s physical strength far exceeds its mundane relatives.

While most flies pose little threat to adventurers and creatures alike, the Giant Fly stands out with its substantial power and unique abilities, which can sway the course of combat significantly.

Despite their intimidating presence and size, they maintain behaviors similar to ordinary flies buzzing around and being particularly drawn toward sources of waste or filth.

Navigating an encounter with a Giant Fly adds unanticipated dynamics and challenges to your gameplay.

It encourages strategic thinking as its attributes differ vastly from standard beasts encountered within the D&D universe.

Even seasoned players find surprises in encounters with these creatures due to their specialized skills in climbing, flying, and perceiving what’s around them.

Whether you meet them solitarily or come across a swarm, every run-in with a giant fly will enrich your D&D experience in unexpected ways.

Also Read: 15 Best Undead Creatures DnD 5E [Confront The Horrors Of The Afterlife]

Special Abilities

Just like the multitude of creatures that inhabit the Dungeons & Dragons world, the Giant Fly 5e possesses a distinctive special ability that sets it apart from others.

Special Abilities

Known as Filth Fever, this disease is transmitted through bite injury and introduces a realm of complexities for the attacked creature.

Specifically, once bitten, the opposing creature must save Fortitude DC 14- if failed, the onset of symptoms appears in 1 to 3 days.

The disease frequency stands at once per day inflicting between one to three units of damage on both dexterity and constitution each time it takes effect. Fortunately, two consecutive successful saves can cure this debilitating condition.

These elements introduce varied outcomes during encounters with a Giant Fly adding depth to your gaming sessions.


The mesmerizing world of Dungeons & Dragons thrives not just on ferocious battles but also on skills that creatures possess making for a strategic game.


The Giant Fly 5e has an arsenal of skills namely Climb, Fly, and Perception which make it more than just a formidable opponent on the battlefield.


One key skill that truly stands out is its climbing ability. While seemingly trivial for an insectoid creature given its flying capacity, its +9 climb rate is indeed noteworthy.

This equips them with an advantage in moving through terrain granting them increased movement flexibility thereby posing unexpected threats during scenarios with complex landscapes.


As expected from any fly species regardless of its size, flying is considered essential.

The giant fly boasts a +7 flying skill which enables not just locomotion but also empowers it with fluidity and finesse while maneuvering in the air.

This ability greatly augments their potential making them not only difficult to hit during combat but also particularly effective when launching sudden attacks or retreating from disadvantageous situations.


The value of perception cannot be overstressed in D&D as it considerably impacts battles and non-combat interactions.

In Giant Fly’s case, although modest, their +2 perception skill sharpens their awareness of the environment.

Whether detecting hidden opponents or perceiving imminent threats or opportunities, this skill does contribute to their survival and strategic elements offering unexpected challenges for players during encounters.

Also Read: Giant Ant 5E Creature [Beware The Strength Of Hive-minded Insects]

Organization of Giant Fly 5e

Understanding the organization and behavior patterns of the giant fly can be a tremendous tactic in planning your gameplay strategies.

Organization of Giant Fly 5e

Flies, as we know, are highly adaptable creatures with seamless social organization, which harbors in their giant counterparts as well.

To facilitate an astounding Dungeons & Dragons experience with the grandeur of these insectoid monsters, we explore their organization patterns.

These patterns include solitary behavior, pair dynamics, and swarm interactions.

Solitary: The Lone Hunter

In certain scenarios, you might encounter a solitary Giant Fly 5e. A single gigantic buzz accompanying you on your quests may be perceived as less of a threat compared to a swarm but remember size does matter.

Even alone, its imposing size and dexterity lend it an advantage that one should not underestimate. Familiarize yourself with its unique abilities and attributes to tackle it competently.

Pair: The Duos Of Danger

Your storytelling could involve a situation where a pair of these colossal insects exists together.

This presents teams with a distinctive challenge as they must now navigate encounters with pathfinding mechanisms to confront not one but two massive adversaries simultaneously.

This unique dynamic requires more teamwork and strategy among players and significantly escalates the thrill involved in gameplay.

Swarm: A Cloud of Buzzing Menace

Dungeons & Dragons 5e presents your characters with their ultimate test dealing with a Swarm.

Numbered anywhere between 3 to 12, handling these vast groups calls for understanding their collective behavior more deeply than merely fighting off individual insects.

Your gaming strategies must encompass tactics that could successfully dispel big clusters- like using area damage spells or traps to outwit them.

Resilience towards disease or poison spells is also essential when facing swarms of Giant Fly 5e due to their inherent ability to spread diseases.

Also Read: Figurine Of Wondrous Power 5E [Summon Amazing Creatures]

FAQs About Giant Fly 5e

What is unique about the Giant Fly 5e in Dungeons and Dragons?

The Giant Fly 5e is unique due to its immense size compared to the typical fly and can pose a significant threat due to its strength, stamina, and ability to spread disease.

How does the organization pattern of the Giant Fly 5e impact gameplay?

The Giant Fly’s organization patterns solitary, paired, or swarm -significantly influence gameplay as they demand different strategies for players to navigate and overcome each situation effectively.

Can I use a Giant Fly 5e in a variety of environments within the game?

Yes, due to their adaptable nature seen in real-world flies, giant flies too can thrive within various environments bringing diversity and challenges into any setting in your game.

Does the Giant Fly 5e possess any special abilities within DND?

Yes, one of their special abilities is spreading diseases such as Filth Fever that affects Dex damage and Con damage metrics of characters bitten by them.

How many hit points does a Giant Fly 5e have?

Hit points for a giant fly vary depending upon various factors like their organizational pattern (solitary, pair, or swarm) and are finalized by each game master as per their unique array of circumstances.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
