1800+ Rocket League Club Names Ideas (2025) Funny, Cool
![Rocket League Club Names Ideas ([cy]) Funny, Cool](https://www.ofzenandcomputing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Rocket-League-Club-Names.jpg)
Rocket League is one of the most popular games in recent years. Rocket League is a free-to-play game that has become a worldwide sensation. This is a game that is best played with friends, and the goal of the game is to score goals using rocket-powered vehicles. Players can customize their cars in various ways and compete against each other or work together as a team.
Rocket League also has a vibrant community that comes together for tournaments, special events, and competitions. If you're looking for a way to get in on the fun and make sure your team stands out, why not consider picking up some next-level Rocket League club names?
Also Related: Cool Squad Names (2025)
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Funny Rocket League Club Names With Meaning (2025)
Looking for the perfect name for your Rocket League Club? With meaningful funny Rocket League club names, there's no limit to the creativity you can bring! Whether you want a feel-good club name or something cheeky, these ideas will surely get your team bonding as you rise to success.

- Beep, Beep, I'm Coming For You (when you get into someone else's lane without permission and then start beeping at them - or if your teammate gets to that spot first but doesn't let anyone pass him)
- The Unstoppables! (No one can stop them!)
- The Flying Pandas (one of the endearing names given to this team is "The Flying Pandas" - they are always in mid-air and trying to make some impressive aerial moves)
- The Ball Slappers (when you hit the ball too hard and it makes a loud sound)
- Balls Deep In Your Face! (This team likes playing close and tight - but still having fun at all times!)
- Donkey Kongs Clubhouse (Players are very "down to earth" when it comes to playing the game)
- The Unexpected Ones (think of all the ones who fly under your radar in Rocket League matches and then take over. This club name applies to them)
- League of Broken Toys (A group that's pretty much just made up of people who are broken and have no lives outside of Rocket League)
- The Flying Dutchmen! (This team loves to fly the ball over everyone's heads to score a goal)
- We're All Short Here (this team never misses or loses against tall teams because it's hard for them to get a ball over their heads. They also tend to be more skilled in general.)
- I'll Show You My Skills Then! (It usually means "watch out!" because their skills can easily challenge others')
- Team Shoop-Da-Whoop! (This team gets close to the ball and tries to touch it as many times as possible before they lose it)
- The L.A. Kings of Rocket League (It's the king of all teams, and you can't beat them!)
- Eggplant All Day Everyday! (If you ever ate some eggplants and felt like they weren't enough - these are your teammates!)
- Squishy Fishies! (This club can be short for "successful with fish," - but it's most commonly used as an insult meaning that someone is soft or outmatched)
- The Kalamazoo Kittens (A reference to an old video game, Frogger. This team loves showing off their skills!)
- The Orange Guyz (This team likes to wear orange, and they're always looking for the ball)
- Lions on Wheels (This team likes to get around the field quickly and aggressively with their car)
- The Big Black Ballers (These players are outstanding, like they're playing with a black ball!)
- Paper Cutters (When you get taken out by somebody who's driving very aggressively)
- Totally Not Toxic (Everyone on this team has no bad feelings towards each other. They're all friends)
- A Team of Pros (This team is the best)
- We Need Speed! (The name says it all for this one)
- The Untouchables (this team is too good for other teams to touch)
- Aerial Death Squad (this team likes to get up high and bomb people with the ball from above)
- Do You Even Lift, Bro? (This team is all about working on their muscles)
- The Entire Southeast Division (This club is about being the best of the southeast division)
- Derp Squad! (If you're not playing well, this is what it means!)
- Hot Rollers! (These guys are all about winning but are not afraid of being aggressive. They like the idea that if the other team is going too hard, then they can retaliate with a roll-up into them or through some tight turns around their goal line.)
- Rocket League is Life (This team lives and breathes Rocket League)
- Oops, My Ball! (It's an oldie but a classic. Someone on your team has done something stupid or cost you points in some way).
- We Make Other Teams Quit! (They're so good; other teams don't want to play anymore when you show up. They just quit.)
- The Trainspotters (These players are dedicated fans of Rocket League with an emphasis on trading cards - so if that's your thing, then this club is for you!)
- Creepy Crawlers (They like to sneak up on the opposing team and get in close)
- Elite Four (meanings: either "they think they are so cool" OR "definitely not here for just one day")
- Legally Blonde (A league of all girls)
- Down With Oligarchs! (This team likes to play with a lot of skill but lacks some physical fitness sometimes)
- Team No Fun Allowed! (Have fun at all costs. Don't take anything too seriously)
- The Silent Assassins (You'll never know when these players are coming for you!)
- Not Fast, Just Furious (this team is not quick, but they're still intense)
- I'd Hit That! (A funny joke that most teams use for their name when they're out on the field playing and someone from the other team gets in front of them without looking first - meaning "you")
- What's Your Damage? (If you will get an opponent back, make it count, and don't be scared of what happens next!)
- The Flying Dutchman (This club is all about speed and efficiency)
- Dying is Easy, Comedy is Hard (This team likes to make people laugh)
- Cowards United (this team likes to back down from fights and barely make it)
- The Dribblers of Death! (When someone is so good at dribbling that you can't even shoot on goal because your opponents are too busy trying not to get tackled by them!)
- Ducks in a Pond (This club is all about unity with other clubs)
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Best Rocket League Club Names With Meaning (2025)
Regarding Rocket League, your team name can reflect your play style and attitude. Here are some best Rocket League club names with meaning that can be used to reflect the vibe of your team:

- The Quickfeet (This team loves to move fast and outfox their opponents)
- The Levitatees (Players with a high degree of skill in levitation)
- The Frisbees (People who play a casual game of throwing and catching an object)
- The Crossed Rockets (Two teams that have won once against each other, which creates a "cross")
- Revenge Squad (A group of players who work together to take revenge on other teams)
- Aces High! (A reference from the Ace Combat series, where ace pilots are known for achieving high scores)
- Diabolical (Exceptionally wicked, malevolent, or cruel; highly skilled in playing tricks on people for amusement)
- Ultimate Dominators (No one can stand against them!)
- Astroids (Creatures that live on other planets in outer space)
- The Dynamiters (Rocket League players who use explosive items frequently and are frustrated easily)
- Road Hog (One who drives aggressively, selfishly, or inconsiderately to prevent others from passing)
- Sparklekatzies (Sparkly, exciting people that love to play soccer with lots of goals scored!)
- Gravity Crashers (A team name is referencing Newton's First Law of Motion – Objects with Mass Have Gravity).
- Catch 'Em All (A phrase which is used to encourage someone or oneself in pursuing all available options)
- S.C.A.T (Stands for 'Space Corps Advanced Tactical')
- Highway to Victory (They are always looking for the most direct route to winning!)
- Fury Squad (A state or condition characterized by intense anger, sudden fury, or rage; any group organized for the purpose of committing violent acts against its enemies).
- The Onion Knights (An order of knights in The Elder Scrolls series who are devoted to the Nine Divines and protect their shrines from Daedra worshippers)
- Toxic Platypi (This squad is all about playing aggressively and unapologetically)
- Fantasmagorical (Full of fantasy and imagination; unreal or imaginary in a way that is not possible in reality)
- Teflon Donuts (Players' high level of skill makes them impervious to any challenge, which is easier said than done)
- Orion (The Greek mythological hunter and constellation; a person who is skilled in hunting wild animals)
- Team Work Makes Dreamwork (Teamwork will make a dream come true, or alternatively, teamwork achieves great things)
- No Guts, No Glory (Do it with passion or don't do it at all!)
- Outtasight Outtamind! (This club always has the upper hand in a match)
- Dark Matter (The type of matter thought to make up approximately 27% of all physical material in the universe)
- White Noise Brigade (A group that broadcasts white noise on radios and other equipment to cause interference with radio signals)
- The Jammin' Jammers (A team that is so good at the game, it's like they're playing on "easy")
- HypeSquad (A group that generates an atmosphere of excitement and attention surrounding something)
- The Fire Ferrets (A team that is on fire)
- The Dribblers (People who are not very good at controlling their cars)
- The Flying Furies (A group of women pilots during WWI and WWII)
- Sonic Boomers (This team loves to make noise on the field!)
- The Full Monty (An English expression for a complete or total exposure, especially of the male genitals)
- Reapers of Mayhem (No mercy!)
- The Risk-Takers (These players aren't afraid to take risks and make big plays)
- Team Cucumber Pie (Cucumbers have been known as natural coolants and remedies for inflammation, so this might be an appropriate name for those seeking to play cooled-down or more relaxed matches of Rocket League).
- Rocketeers (Fans of the game Rocket League)
- Rocketeers United (Team solidarity as in being united with another like-minded person and agreeing on things together)
- The Dirty Half-Dozen (The players who are fouled out of a game)
- The Nervebreakers (Frustrating opponents in an online game that cause their opponent to rage quit because they're so good)
- Nova (Any sudden, intense outburst of energy or brilliance)
- Boomerangs (A weapon from Aboriginal Australia used for hunting, recreation, or skillful demonstration; "a boomerang")
- The Hotshots (Rocket League players who are skilled at taking shots)
- Nullspace (An area where there is no gravity due to its proximity to an object that has mass)
- The Rookies (These players are just starting, but they play like pros)
- The Fairy Ringers (Rocket League gamers that play as an elf character and are adept at scoring goals with speed and dynamism combined).
- The Ball-Hoggers (These players never let the ball out of their sight!)
- Unleashed (Unleashed to act in defiance of control, restraint, inhibition):
- Claire's Coven (The group is based on Claire from the show Stranger Things, where she has psychic powers. It could also refer to her power as being able to travel through different dimensions)
- Over the Moon (Filled with happiness over something good that has happened to you - sometimes used as an idiom for "very happy")
- The Supervitamins (Players who have boosted stats in Rocket League)
- Silenced (Quiet, still)
- The Potatoes ( A player in Rocket League whose stats have been negatively impacted by playing against skilled opponents or being on the losing team)
- The Dreamweavers (This team is creative and innovative in their approach to Rocket League)
- Nuclear Winterclaps (Teams whose goal is to win by taking out all opponents with their car while avoiding collisions)
- Static (meaning: a noise that doesn't change over time)
- The Gladiators (A Roman warrior or someone who fights in hand-to-hand combat against another person)
- The Wizards (Players who can use their skills to bend the ball)
- Mighty Eagles (An eagle is often seen as a symbol of hope or power, so Mighty Eaglez means powerful fans)
- The Blasters (Players who are skilled at using blasters in the game Rocket League)
- The Astronauts (Players who want to explore space and interact with extraterrestrial lifeforms)
- The Riveters (Rocket League players who possess exceptional ball control and are great at dribbling)
- Aerial Ninjas (This team takes the sky by storm with insane aerial maneuvers)
- Burners of Inertia (This team is all about momentum and pushing their opponents to the brink)
- Vehicular Mayhem (Chaos or destruction caused by a vehicle)
- Unanimous Decision (All members of the club are agreed on something, and no one agrees with anyone else's opinion but theirs)
- Nitro Circus (An American sports entertainment company; a television show featuring extreme stunts performed by drivers of trucks and automobiles)
- Nexus (The point at which two or more things meet and interact)
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Good Rocket League Club Names Ideas (2025)
Good Rocket League club names can be tricky to come up with! You may want something exciting and creative that stands out from the crowd yet reflects your team's goal of winning. Finding the perfect name is essential; it serves as an indelible representation of your team and establishes its identity within the gaming community.

- The Phoenix Flames
- Revved Up
- Acceleration Ignition
- Hardwired
- Crescendo Chaos
- Motor Matrix
- Kings of Chaos
- The Cartel
- Power Prodigies
- The Kings of Crowns
- The Turbulence Crew
- Octane
- The Crashers
- Apex Assassins
- The Boomers
- Thunderdome Titans
- Sky Surfing Sirens
- Unhinged
- Redline Racing
- Offworlders
- Heatwave
- Disruptors of Play
- The Primeval Predators
- Backfire
- Supersonic
- Jetstreams
- Photon Riders
- Chaos Alliance
- Lunar Lunatics
- The Firestarters
- Special Edition
- High Octane
- Out of Control
- Frenzied
- Rocket Science Masters
- Victory Vipers
- Ballistic Bullets
- Rogue Rockets
- Boost Breakers
- Spin Cycle
- Renegades of the Sky
- Frantic
- Hot Wheels
- Maniac
- Turbo Troop
- Battle Bunch
- Street Legal
- Carsenal
- Crazed Cars
- Stripes Squad
- Supercharged Speedsters
- Customized
- Supersonic Warfare
- Breakaway
- Nitro Nation
- Star Strikers
- Knights of Mayhem
- Burnout Blitzers
- Grandmasters of Mayhem
- Berserk Bunch
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Sweaty Rocket League Club Names Ideas (2025)
Sweaty Rocket League club names are often a bit edgy and aggressive, but that's part of the fun of this team sport! Sweaty names can be humorous or serious, depending on your team's goals.

- Exodus
- High Voltage
- No Mercy Riders
- Gone Mad
- Speed Boost
- The Underdogs
- The Trashmen
- Drift Kings
- Painted Posse
- Rocket Power
- In Utopia
- The Outlawz
- Sonic Shockwave
- Core Chaos
- High-Velocity Syndicate
- Escape
- Ka-Pow
- Low Riders
- Flight Forward
- Windborne
- The Exterminators
- The Firebrands
- Smoke Stompers
- Never Standard
- The Burnout Crew
- At Wits End
- Boosted Beasts
- The Cruiser Brigade
- Midnight Express
- Battle Cars
- Crash Campers
- Pocket Aces
- Hysterical Ones
- Dragon Decimators
- Speed Demons
- Aeriality
- Crazy Drivers Club
- Shock and Awe
- Street Racers
- Destroyers of Worlds
- Electrified
- Speedy Legends
- Nitrodactyls
- Killer Sharks
- Full Throttle Racing
- Dangerous
- Damage Mode
- Thriller Bike Club
- Mid-Air Maulers
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Cool Rocket League Club Names Ideas (2025)
If you're looking for something a bit cooler and edgier, then cool Rocket League club names may be the way to go. These names are typically unique and creative and reflect an understanding of the game.

- Lightning Cruisers
- Sand Castle
- Inspiration
- Mechanized Mayhem
- Retirement Home
- Chiefs Esports Club
- The Dawn Breakers
- Lucky Bounce
- Selfless Gaming
- GaleForce eSports
- Fnatic
- Failure to Launch
- Ballistic Blaze
- G2 Esports
- Speedstarz
- Supersonic Destroyers
- The Excelsior
- Roadkill Racers
- Ground Zero Gaming
- Wild Carnage Club
- Earthed Outlaws
- Team Secret
- We Dem Babes
- The Flying Dutchmen
- The Dominators
- Billy Fan Club
- Firebird Flyers
- Meteor Gladiators
- Raging Rockets
- Neon Knights
- Celestial Reapers
- Scylla Esports
- Gameroos XD
- Alpha Sydney
- High Voltage Racing
- Epsilon eSports
- Speed Demons Unleashed
- Selfless Gaming
- The Moon Strike
- G-Force Gamers
- Furious Fury
- The Warlords
- FlyQuest
- Inferno Ignition
Also Related: Cool Posse Names (2025)
Unique Rocket League Club Names Ideas (2025)
Unique Rocket League club names are those that stand out from the rest. They make your team look professional, creative and focused, an attitude all teams should strive for.

- Battle Cats
- Supernova
- Elite Bureau
- Flippers
- Blast Meteorites
- Star Gazers
- Oceanic Warriors
- Gobsmacked Goblins
- IceQueen88
- DragonFury23
- Thunderbirds
- Make You Melt
- Kinematics
- Elementals of Fury
- The War Machines
- The Last Army
- The Red Devils
- Unafraid To Win
- Compassionate Killers
- MysticSoul
- Kings Of The Compound
- The Trainspotters
- Hell On Wheels
- Karate Power
- NightHawk99
- Doom At Service
- SkyPirate
- CrimsonBlade
- Dark Matter Outlaws
- The Nuclear Winterclaps
- Roadrunners
- BlazeFire
Also Check: Cool Alliance Names (2025)
Rocket League Club Names For Boys (2025)
Rocket League can be a great way for boys to bond over intense games. Boys may want names that reflect their competitive spirit and confidence, so here are some club names perfect for them!

- Traveler365
- High Octane Pandemonium
- Killer Sharks Racing Team
- SportsFanatic23
- High Voltage Racing
- DarkKnight99
- Interstellar Voyagers
- FunnyGuy123
- TravelerTroy
- Sky Pirates Flight Crew
- FitnessFreak88
- MaverickMan
- TitanThunder
- MusicMan99
- BookWormBenjamin
- MovieBuff76
- NightHawkAlpha
- Death Machines
- Urban Autopilots
- FoodieFanatic
- GamerDudeX
- MovieMaven
- TechWhiz23
- TheRealAce
- SportySpice
- CoolKid98
- MusicManiac77
- MaverickMan
- FitnessFreak
- MusicMaster
- Outdoorsman44
- FoodieGuy21
- AdventureAce
- Warriors of Carnage
- ThunderBoltz
- Speedy Legends Team
- AlphaMaleXO
- SwiftStorm
- AdventureSeeker42
- AceAdventurer
- TheRealJay
- FoodieKing34
- TechNinja
- ScienceNerd123
- BlazeRunner88
- The Irrevocable
- ScienceGeek27
- GamerDude99
- TechMaster87
- GamingGuru
- PhoenixFire23
- BookWorm12
- MaverickMindset
- ArtisticSoul55
- Tire Shredders Clubhouse
- The Destroyers of Worlds
- FashionForwardFrank
- Team Speed Demons
- FashionableGentleman22
- ScienceSavvySam
- IronGripX
- NatureLover19
- ArtisticAvenue
- CaptainCrusher
- TechTrendsetter
- ArtisticSoul55
- NatureNate
- Bookworm56
- Nitrodactyls
- AdventureSeeker77
- StealthAssassin69
- CyberWolf
- TravelerBoy88
- FitnessFreak42
- Nitro Riders
- Full Throttle Kings
- Death Racers Clubhouse
- SportyGuy21
- TechPro
- Game Over Kings
- MovieBuff86
Check More: Cool ARK Tribe Names With Meaning (2025)
Rocket League Club Names For Girls (2025)
While Rocket League can be fun for all genders, girls may want something to celebrate their strength and attitude while playing. Here are some Rocket League club names perfect for girl gamers!

- Diamond Drivers
- Fierce Feline Rebels
- Queen's Gambit
- CherryBlossomGirl
- OceanPearl
- PinkLemonade
- The Defiants
- FlowerPower
- vQ Untethered
- Ka-Pow
- High Voltage Vixens
- Resonant Esports
- Spirited Racers
- Queen Of The Turntable
- Prophecy
- Reason Gaming
- SparkleQueen
- Method
- Raging Phoenixes
- QueenOfHearts
- PENTA Sports
- Goddesses of Gearshift
- High Octane Divas
- The Demonettes
- Midnight Racers
- Galactic Warriors
- PhoenixFlame
- Speed Demons Racing Team
- Lightning Sparks
- Renegades
- Butterfly kisses
- AngelicDreamer
- Pocket Aces
- Dark Sided
- EnchantedRosebud
- Orbit eSports
- RadiantSunshine
- Ladies Of Lightning
- SweetiePie
- Kinematics
- Starlit Gliders
- Flame Riders
- Noble esports
- StarryEyedSweetie
- Lethal Ladies
- SK Gaming
- Sparkling Stars
- Golden Hawks
- SugarPlumFairy
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Rocket League Club Names For Couples (2025)
Playing Rocket League together can be a great way for couples to stay connected and bond. Choosing the perfect name can help make your team truly unique!

- Fire & Ice
- ForeverAndAlwaysUs
- Soulmates_365
- Lovers on Fire
- MrMrsAdventures
- PerfectMatch
- TheLovingPair
- CoupleOfTheYear
- TogetherAlways
- Lovebirds4Life
- PerfectPairing
- TwoHeartsOneSoul
- AlwaysAndForever
- The Dream Team
- ForeverTogether
- CoupleGoals
- Inseparable
- LoveWinsEverytime
- Twisted Tyres
- SoulmatesForever
- LoveWinsAllDay
- MrMrsAdventures
- HeartToHeart
- LoveWinsAlways
- ForeverUsTwo
- LovebirdsForever
- OurJourneyTogether
- HappilyEverAfter
- together forever
- PartnerInCrimeLife
- TwoHeartsOneSoul
- HappilyEverAfter
- SweetheartsForever
- endless love
- OurJourneyTogether
- ThePerfectPairing
- TheLovingDuos
- BetterTogether
- EndlessLoveStory
- PerfectMatchPair
- HappilyEverAfter
- TogetherWeSlay
- TwoHeartsOneSoul
- AlwaysAndForeverTwo
- TwoAsOne
- TeamUsAlways
- SoulmatesUnite
- OurJourneyTogether
- MrMrsAlways
- TogetherWeRoam
- HappilyEverAfterX2
- LoversInCrime
- EndlessLoveStory
- AlwaysAndForeverUs
- AlwaysAndForever
- TwoHeartsOneSoul
- TheCoupleNextDoor
- TeamUsTwo
- Twin Turbos
- BetterTogetherForever
- Power Couples
- PartnerInCrime
- CrazyInLoveWithYou
- HappilyEverAftering
- MrMrsAdventures
- MrMrsAlways
- Team Upgrades
- HeartAndSoulmates
- InSyncCouple
- ForeverYoursAlways
- Nitro Lovers
- Double Trouble
- OurJourneyTogether
- TogetherWeStand
Also Related: Good Trio Names (2025)
More Rocket League Club Names Ideas (2025)
If you don't like all these names and are still looking for more inspiration, here are some extra ideas to help you create the perfect name, and no matter what kind of team you have, there is a Rocket League club name that fits.

- TheRealChefJen
- FoodieAdventurer
- Midnight Riders
- HappyGoLucky
- Dynamite Division
- TheRealSlimShady
- BookwormBelle
- MindfulMeditator
- TravelingNomad
- The Renegades
- TravelBug365
- CaptainAdventure
- StyleEnthusiast_
- FoodieAdventurer
- GamingGeek99
- TechWizard
- FashionistaChic
- AdventureSeeker365
- TechSavvy87
- MusicManiac88
- WildChild
- FoodieFanatic
- TechWizard
- FoodieForever
- Tornado Terrorists
- BookwormBabe
- MrAdventure
- Fashionista1010
- ScienceGeek789
- ArtisticSoulmate
- MidnightWriter
- Grand Prix Champions
- MusicMaven88
- MysticMoon
- MindfulMeditator
- Kingdom of Chaos
- BookwormBabe
- FashionistaQueen
- SportySpice
- FashionistaChic
- Tricksters of Turmoil
- BookWorm1234
- FitnessJunkie24
- FitnessFrenzy
- MysticDreamer
- nature lover
- Sky High Masters
- FitnessJunkie77
- DreamerDiva
- ArtisticSoul
- CaptainAdventure
- Bellevue
- NatureLover27
- ArtisticSoul
- SportsFanatic23
- NatureLover23
- TechGuru87
- MusicManiac99
- ArtisticSoul23
- FitnessGuru
- MusicFanatic
- ArtisticSoul
- WildflowerChild
- FitnessFreak101
- ScienceGeekster
- MusicLover88
- TheRealDeal
- TechMaster
- Road Warriors
- TravelingTurtle
- HappyGoLucky123
- ComedyCentral23
- NatureNurturer
- LunaStarlight
- WanderlustAdventurer
- WanderlustTraveler
- BlueSkyDreamer
- BookwormBeauty
- LadyGamerX
- The Revolutionaries
- BeautyQueen1
- TravelBug9
- TheFoodieLife
- FitnessFreak3
- SportsFanatic4
- TechGuru8
- ArtisticSoul1
- GamerGalaxyX
- NightOwlNinja
- MindfulMama
- NatureEnthusiast
- FoodieForever
- ThrillSeeker8
- LunaStarlight
- LunaGlow
- Sky Racers
- SportsFanatic2
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Final Words
This article provides some of any team's most original and creative Rocket League club names. Whether in a casual or competitive squad, let this guide inspire you to choose an on-brand name that accurately encapsulates your group identity. With these hints, there is no limit to what kind of Rocket League history you can make! All that's left now is to have fun with it and get ready to soar – Good luck!