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Centaurs 5E Race [Roam The DnD World As A Mythical Equine]

Centaurs 5E Race Explained
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 11/05/2023
Est. Reading: 11 minutes

Curious about the mythology-inspired Centaurs 5E race for your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign? You’ve come to the right place.

We’ll break down all the details you need to grasp, from their origin story in the Forgotten Realms to their unique racial traits.

This post aims to provide a comprehensive guide that will tickle any D&D enthusiast’s fancy, whether you’re a seasoned player or just dipping your toes into this creative, imaginative world.

This fantastic D&D realm isn’t limited to boilersuit humans and high-flying elves; there’s an entire spectrum of races waiting for you to explore and embody.

Centaurs, with their half-human, half-horse anatomy, are distinctive players in this multiverse and offer a unique role-playing experience.

If you’re ready to venture into unknown territory, secure your armor as we charge forth into the domain of these fascinating creatures.

What is the Centaurs 5E Race?

Centaurs are a mythical race within the Dungeons & Dragons universe, specifically in the 5th Edition.

What Is The Centaurs 5E Race

Known for their split form – the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse -Centaurs stand out amongst other races.

Originating from lore-filled forests and vast plains, they carry an innate connection with nature. They’re famed for their physical power and inherent wisdom, paralleling their robust equine halves and insightful human sides.

Typical Centaur traits include remarkable strength, natural wisdom boosts, proficiency in survival skills, swift movement pace, and a unique ability known as ‘charge.’ Their demeanor tends towards neutral alignment, maintaining harmony between order and chaos.

Centaur 5E Features

There is truly something mystifying about playing as a Centaur. Their unique abilities and traits cater to specific play styles and character backstories, allowing for a distinct role-playing experience.

Centaur 5E Features

Ability Score Increase

The innate strength of Centaurs grants them a +2 Strength boost, reflecting their equine design’s mightiness. As expected, having the physical prowess of a horse equates to significant power, emphasizing attack strategies requiring brute force in combat scenarios.

This score increase drastically enhances your chances for survival and contributes greatly to your team’s success on the battlefield.

On top of possessing remarkable physical strength, Centaurs also carry inherent wisdom with a +1 Wisdom score increase.

Their longevity and natural affinity for temperament and insight into their surroundings make this race an intriguing choice for roles requiring knowledge checks or astute strategies.

Whether dependent on power or wisdom, you’ll find an edge while playing a Centaur thanks to these Ability Score Increases(ASIs).

Also Read: Schools Of Magic 5E [Power, Principles, & Unique Abilities]


When it comes to aging, there’s comfort in familiarity. The lifespan of Centaurs aligns closely with that of humans; they mature around the age of 15 and typically live up to an age somewhere between 60-70 years old.

So, suppose you’re leaning towards creating a character that emanates human-like relatability despite undergoing eons in diverse planes or multiverses from Earth. In that case, this trait adds another layer of appeal to playing as a centaur.

Specific timestamps in your character development can play equally poignant parts in shaping your character’s attitude or personality.

Whether you choose to have them bear youth’s naive yet adventurous aura or perhaps embodying wisdom gained through mildly-aged maturity, it all circles back to human-like timeline familiarity.


Venture into new realms retaining virtues like compassion with territorial protectiveness yet prizing freedom reminiscent of wild, untamed beasts.

Centaurs have a neutral alignment tendency, maintaining a balanced view between order and chaos, good and evil. They are very much the enforcers of equilibrium in this make-believe universe, a testament to their inherent wisdom.

These creatures’ neutrality opens doors to varying interaction styles within your game, allowing a more dynamic story progression.

You can decide to stay true to your neutral persona or let experiences shift your alignment borders; the choice lies entirely with you.

The Centaur’s alignment feature invites you to explore the complexity of neutrality that not only benefits the role-playing experience but also subtly emphasizes philosophical life perspectives beyond gameplay confines.

This feature prompts intriguing moral dilemmas within your campaigns and leaves ample room for multifaceted character development.


What sets Centaurs apart in the D&D universe is their distinctive size and form, combining human and horse characteristics. With medium size, they typically stand at an impressive height of 6 to 7 feet when measured to where their humanoid torso emerges from their equine body.

The total length, including their horse part, can extend up to a staggering 9 to 10 feet. This unusual structure provides an intriguing perspective for players, challenging you to navigate the world’s battles and pathways quite differently from smaller or more compact characters.


On the D&D battlefield, speed is critical. Lucky for you, choosing the Centaur race means benefiting from a swift movement pace and a base walking speed of 40 feet.

This innate quickness reflects their horse half, which commands striking speed in open landscapes. As such, they are playing as a Centaur delivers a significant strategic advantage on the move, whether it’s pursuing enemies or making hasty retreats.

These characters empower you with exceptional mobility options during role-playing adventures and combats, but remember that your speed could be affected by certain factors within different scenarios.

Creature Type: Fey

One fascinating fact about Centaurs is that they fall under the ‘Fey’ creature type – traditionally associated with magical beings with strong connections to nature and its forces.

While many races in D&D are classified as Humanoid, characterizing Centaughteres as ‘Fey’ brings unique implications – they are not affected by spells targeting humanoids and have different interactions with magical wards or dimensional constraints.

The Fey classification strengthens the tie between centaughters and natural elements while underlining their mystical origins.

Charge: A Unique Ability

Another intriguing attribute centas possess is ‘Charge,’ an exclusive trait that adds an infusion of thrill into your attacks. After you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target, you can make an effective melee attack as part of the same action.

Upon hitting, the strike deals additional damage, creating both emphatic moments in combat and tactical depth.

Mastering ‘Charge’ involves various strategic elements considering your positioning, enemy location, and the battlefield’s layout. It adds another layer to combat, providing opportunities for big plays and daring maneuvers while embodying your chosen Centaur.


As a Centaur, your hoofed limbs aren’t just for show or incredible speed. They can transform into formidable weapons if the situation calls for it.

You’re equipped with the ability to inflict 1d4 + Strength bludgeoning damage on your opponents, making you quite dangerous in close combat.

It’s worth remembering that different Dungeon Masters (DMs) might interpret the implementation of this distinct trait differently. Case in point: some DMs consider this hoof attack a bonus action instead of a regular attack.

To avoid confusion, it’s always best to confirm details like these before entering into your adventure. Despite the minor ambiguity, one thing is certain.

When it comes to Centaur races, their hooves push them to stand toe-to-toe with those typically characterized as frontline warriors.

Equine Build

Your equine build isn’t just distinctive and aesthetically fascinating; it has real implications for how you navigate through your campaign terrain.

Climbing surfaces not meant for horses presents you with certain challenges – no matter how alluring an elf-made treehouse may seem.

Because of your larger size and form compared to typical adventurers, you may find yourself hampered in certain terrain or constrained environments.

Open plains and expansive fields are where you excel in movement due to your extraordinary base walking speed (40 feet).

The strategy goes beyond battle coordination; accounting for centaurs’ equine physique within navigational decisions can significantly impact your campaign’s success.


Now, let’s shift our focus from physical attributes to survival skills – a key facet among Centaurs. They are inherently resilient creatures attuned closely to nature and its rhythms.

As such, survival isn’t seen as just a skill; rather, it is a way of life inherited from their ancestors and refined over generations of nomadic living within wilderness-rich environments.

Here’s where the ‘Survivor’ racial trait kicks in. You, as A centaur, have proficiency in ‘Survival,’ enabling you to excel in extensive travels, map unfamiliar terrains, find water and food where it seems improbable, and interpret weather patterns with precision.

You are pointing your party towards victory and safety in typically inhospitable conditions. When it comes to survival against the odds, Centaurs do have a leg (or rather four) up.


Communication is key to all adventures. That’s why languages play a vital role in Dungeons & Dragons. As part of the Centaur race, you’re bilingual right from the start.

You’re proficient in Common – a widely spoken language across most races and lands within D&D – enabling interaction with various NPCs (Non-Player Characters) easily and conducting negotiations when necessary.

You also speak Sylvan, the language of the fey creatures. This lyrical tongue resonates with your fey ancestry and grants exclusive communication with more ethereal beings within your campaign – like fairies, satyrs, or dryads.

With these double linguistic competencies under your belt, you’re not just equipped for battlefields but for complex choruses of diplomatic scenarios, too.

Speaking rare languages can open exclusive doors and plotlines within your overall adventure – making each campaign even more exciting.

Also Read: D&D 5E Languages Explained [Understand Communication Barriers]

Which 5E Classes Work With Centaurs?

Whether you plan to be a spell-casting sorcerer, invisible rogue, or a barbarian brimming with brute strength, there’s a class that melds seamlessly with the Centaur 5E race.

Which 5E Classes Work With Centaurs?

We’ve rounded up three classes – the Artificer, Barbarian, and Bard – and discussed how each of them compliments the unique traits and abilities of Centaurs.


For Centaurs who lean towards creating and manipulating magical items, the Artificer class is ideal. Given their inherent wisdom boost as a result of their racial abilities, they can easily surmount the intellectual challenges posed by this class.

In addition to infusing objects with magic spells, Artificers are skilled in extracting arcane energy from artifacts and using them to their advantage.

Their unmatched speed can be vital when needing to retreat quickly after an attack. Their ability to stand firm in volatile situations makes them excellent combat tacticians.

Playing as an Artificer-Centaur illustrates how physical prowess can beautifully synergize with strategic insight.


Next up is the classic embodiment of raw power – Barbarians! Given their naturally robust anatomy and enhanced strength reservation due to their race (Strength +2), Centaurs are built for this class.

They comfortably align with the savage rush aspect of Barbarians with their ability called “Charge,” which allows devastating attacks on enemies after 30 30-foot run at them.

Combined with swift movement (base walk speed 40 feet), durable physique, and quick natural recoveries (Survivor trait), these bruisers take offense against enemies on the battlefield – ensuring destructive results.


Switching gears from sheer force brings us to a more nuanced class – Bards! An enigmatic combination of magic and music makes Bard’s indispensable allies in any party line-up.

Bards use “Bardic Inspiration” to encourage their companions – a trait that can easily be associated with the wisdom of Centaurs (Wisdom +1).

Their physically impressive and culturally diverse backgrounds are material for enthralling, motivational tales more than just performers.

Bards can also employ their music to wield magical effects – creating powerful illusions, terms of enchantments, or even mending wounds. As a Bard-Centaur, you’ll stand as a testament to the fact that there’s more to strength than muscle.


Clerics are more than just your healing captains; they are fierce combatants in their own right. A Centaur’s natural Wisdom increase dovetails perfectly with the Cleric class, as it governs the effectiveness of their spells.

The centaur’s innate connection to both nature and divinity enhances a Cleric’s potential. As a divine entity, your role extends well beyond healing; you impose divine judgment on those who pose threats to you and your allies.


We move onto Druids, one of the most naturally fitting classes for the Centaurs 5E race due to their shared respect for nature and preference for a peaceful existence.

Centaurs are known to live in harmony with nature around woodlands and grassland areas, much like Druids. A druid-centaur can seamlessly employ their wisdom boost to navigate through tricky terrains and magical hubs.


Moving onto a more combative terrain, imagine embodying a Fighter Centaur – terrifying. Their natural physical strength makes them exceptional warriors, but what gives them an added edge is the inherent ability they possess called Charge.

This enables them to launch powerful surprise attacks on foes as soon as they step into the battle arena.

Also Read: Fighter 5E Guide [Abilities, Strategies And Impactful Role]


Monks emphasize balance – not just in body but also spirit – that beautifully aligns with the inherent wisdom of centaurs. They strive for perfect harmony between self-discipline and brute force that enables them to tap into their inner life energy termed ‘ki.’ Monks are also known for superb martial arts skills, which can be devastating when combined with a centaur’s Charge ability.


We pivot to Paladins: knights bound by oaths to stand against evil forces aiming at the destruction of harmony. A spotlight class for anyone wanting to combine magical powers with martial prowess, Paladins excel at both offense and defense.

Their sacred oath is a source of power – chanting which allows them to smite evil. Consider coupling this class with a centaur’s natural strength and wisdom, and you’ll become an intimidating wall of righteousness that adversaries will tremble to confront.


Are you looking to tap into the Centaurs’ inherent connection to nature? Consider playing as a Ranger. This class emphasizes stealth, survival, and marksman capabilities and ties in perfectly with Centaurs’ Survivor racial trait.

It’s a robust synergy-Charge into battle with an arrow cocked, ready to strike with devastating efficiency. As a Centaur Ranger, your deep familiarity with the wilderness empowers you to guide your party through native terrains while doubling as an efficient scout.


Are you looking for more finesse than brute strength? The Rogue class offers Centaurs an excellent platform for displaying quick thinking and nimbler maneuvers.

While Centaurs are not known for agility, their augmented speed makes them effective Rogues during encounters.

Utilize your Charge ability for rapid-close attacks or speedy getaways. Imagine being a Centaur Rogue outsmarting foes before galloping away unscathed.


If you fancy wielding prodigious magical powers drawn from within, the Sorcerer class may appeal to you.

While the magic-casting profession doesn’t inherently align with physical powerhouse races like Centaurs, your foundation of wisdom could be a fitting attribute for this mystical role.

Coursing with natural arcane energy lets Centaur Sorcerers blend brute force and magic, strategically creating a truly unique entity on the battlefield.


How about striking up deals with eternal beings in exchange for power? The Warlock class provides such enticing possibilities.

Although it’s an unusual combo, balancing earthly might (thanks to their Strength boost) and celestial authority makes Centaur Warlocks standout figures in any campaign: Imagine sealing combat engagements using potent spells before riding fearlessly into action.

Also Read: Warlock 5E Class Guide DnD [Abilities, Playing Styles, & Tactics]


Consider turning pages through ancient spellbooks and brewing potent potions as a Wizard-Centaur! With their raw intelligence and innate wisdom aspect (thanks to Wisdom +1), Centaurs can morph into scholarly Wizards.

Your physical form allowing swift repositioning during battles can be a crucial advantage in winning magical duels. As a Wizard-Centaur, you’ll embody the perfect fusion of scholarly knowledge and battlefield brawn.

FAQs About Centaurs 5E race

Where do Centaurs typically reside in the Dungeons & Dragons universe?

Centaurs are often found in nature-centric settings like mystical forests or expansive plains.

Can a Centaur carry another creature due to its equine build?

No, Centaurs cannot be used as a mount under regular circumstances because of their humanoid upper body structure.

How does the Charge trait come into play for Centaur characters?

The Charge trait allows Centaurs to cover significant ground (30 feet) before striking with extra momentum, granting extra damage to their assault.

What longevity can I expect when playing as a Centaur character in 5e?

While life expectancy varies depending on the game, Centaurs have similar lifespan ranges to humans.

Given their affinity for nature, can a centaur character communicate with other creatures in the wilderness?

Centaurs don’t inherently have this ability. Still, choosing certain classes, such as Ranger or Druid, can provide features that aid communication with wildlife.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
