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20 Best Monk Weapons 5E [Optimize Your Ki And Combat Skills]

best monk weapons 5e
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 01/05/2024
Est. Reading: 9 minutes

Entering the world of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D 5e), you’ll find that choosing the right weapon for your Monk character can be quite the task.

Just like in any RPG, selecting a weapon requires careful consideration of your character’s abilities, skills, and game style. It’s about striking a balance between offense and defense, power and precision.

In this guide to the best monk weapons 5e, you’ll find the very tools that could strengthen your monk’s position in your gameplay.

Monks are renowned for their speed and agility, but equipping them right could mean the difference between victory or defeat in combat scenarios.

Not all weapons are made equal for monks – they require arms that enhance not just physical power but also their spiritual potential.

Knowing what appendages work best with the unique skills of a monk can give you an edge whether battling enigmatic dragons or engaging with mystical creatures.

Best Monk Weapons 5e 2024

There’s no denying the fact that monk characters bring a unique flavor to Dungeons and Dragons. In the heat of battle, choosing the right weapon can make all the difference.

Best Monk Weapons 5e

Here, we’ll be focusing on some exceptional weapons that allow monks in D&D 5e to bring forth their true potential.

The weapons being discussed today are Quarterstaff and Shortsword. They are must-haves on any monk inventory for their perfect blend of offense and defense.

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This simple, wooden staff might appear unassuming at first glance, but it’s an ideal blend of control and power great for a monk’s quick-moving combat style.

Lightweight and versatile, the quarterstaff allows for two-handed or one-handed use—perfect for those who value flexibility in battle space.

In terms of damage output, a quarterstaff delivers a solid 1d6 bludgeoning damage when wielded one-handed.

When two hands grasp this weapon tightly during strikes, it escalates its damage dice to 1d8—who wouldn’t love that?

With its versatility attribute, the quarterstaff can benefit from your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength when making attack rolls—this is precisely why monks love it.

It falls under the category of “monk weapons,” meaning it meshes well with your Martial Arts ability—it scales with level and skill rather than strength alone. Making it one of the most compatible choices!


If precision is more your style than power blows, a shortsword might be your go-to monk weapon in D&D 5e!


The shortsword is a light, versatile melee weapon capable of delivering piercing damage—a great companion in closed quarters where maneuverability matters most.

Its finesse property lies at its charm—a shortsword permits you to utilise your choice between Strength or Dexterity modifier for attack rolls and damage—tailoring to your character’s strengths.

Assessing the potential damage factor, a shortsword inflicts a solid 1d6 piercing damage—a bit less than a two-handed quarterstaff but significantly more precise.

Besides precision, its lightweight property ensures that you can use it for dual wielding—even allowing for attacking with both weapons in the same action by utilising your bonus action. This weapon gets you that swift, clean cut.

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Continuing down the path of versatility, let’s talk spears. A basic monk weapon in 5e, a spear is an excellent tool for close combat and distance fighting alike.

With a reach of 5 feet, it offers a solid 1d6 piercing damage when wielded with one hand and bumps up to a 1d8 when utilizing both hands.

What gives the spear its true shine is its thrown property, allowing you to toss it at enemies from a distance of up to 20 feet for close range or even a maximum long throw of 60 feet.

If you’re keen on keeping your opponents at bay while still being productive on the battlefield, a spear could be your top choice.


Next up are nunchakus—distinctive in their appearance and function. A pair of short sticks connected by a chain or rope makes for superior flexibility and speed.


Known as the epitome of control among monk weapons, nunchakus ensure you’ll be wielding more than just brute force.

While they don’t boast high damage output (1d4 bludgeoning), where they triumph is in striking multiple times due to their lightweight build—a perfect fit for flurry-of-blows features monks are known for.

Their main strength lies in disarming enemies, proving them more tactical than simply destructive.

Also Read: Throwing Weapons 5E Guide [Master The Art Of Ranged Combat]


If you’re looking for something that strikes a balance between range and power—look no further than the Kama, also known as the “Monk’s Scythe”.

The lightweight nature of this weapon ensures quick jabs and movements doing 1d6 slashing damage.

Despite being small, its sharp curved blade makes it tremendously lethal in combat scenarios—it can easily break through even the most durable armor types with puncture attacks.

When wielded correctly by experienced hands (i.e., yours), the Kama can even deflect or trap enemy weapons—giving you a significant advantage in close-quarter fights.


Talk about a versatile trifecta—the sai brings impact, traps for disarming, and a blade for stabbing.


The unique shape and design of the sai incorporate an extended central prong for thrusting actions and two shorter lateral prongs to trap enemy weapons.

Displaying moderate damage at 1d4 piercing, its versatility shines when you use it in conjunction with martial art techniques where disarming your enemy or blocking their attacks is needed to gain control over the battlefield.

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Iconic in pop culture, shurikens embody the essence of ranged tactics. A handful of these razor-sharp “ninja stars” can deal immediate damage upon impact with precise hits—providing an excellent balance between range and speed.

Small but deadly, these throwing weapons deal 1d4 piercing damage—making them ideal for situations in which stealth and long-range are required to subdue enemies before they even have a chance to reach you.

Moreover, their lightweight nature allows monks to carry multiples easily without sacrificing agility or combat speed—an essential factor to consider during intense combat scenes.


Darts are not only perfect for those pub games but also wield substantial power when thrust towards an enemy in D&D 5e. These lightweight weapons are remarkably effective.


Anchored in your skillful Monk’s hands, they can quickly dispatch opponents from a safe distance. Offering you the flexibility of ranged attacks, the dart employs your Dexterity modifier effectively.

Dealing a 1d4 piercing damage, it might not sound like much, but the true strength of darts lies in their ability to hit your opponent from up to 20 feet away without any disadvantage.

For targets beyond this range and up to 60 feet, the disadvantage applies. But remember, with superior monk skills and tactics up your sleeve, even these tiny missiles can create a big impact.


Speaking of ranged weapons, let’s head over to another effective one – the sling. Although commonly overlooked due to its mundane nature, this weapon has a surprising trick up its sleeve when employed by a monk character in D&D 5e – it has an extended range superiority.

While it deals modest bludgeoning damage (a solid 1d4), what really sets it apart is its impressive equal footing hit chance at long range (30/120).

This allows Monks skilled with a sling to optimally fire from distances where most enemies can’t easily reach them creating opportunities for skillful strategic maneuvers during challenging encounters.

Bo Staff

The Bo staff is closely linked with eastern martial arts traditions – making it an ideal weapon for monks in D&D 5e.

Bo staff

It maintains efficiency through simplicity: a long wooden stick harnessed as both an offensive and defensive instrument on the battlefield.

Spanning two meters typically, this simple yet efficient weapon provides you with ample reach during combat and enables powerful strikes yielding 1d6 bludgeoning damage when used single-handedly and increasing to 1d8 if wielded with two hands.

On top of that, the Bo staff’s length offers an advantage by extending your monk’s reach in combat, keeping you a safe distance from foes and discouraging close-range attacks.

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If control is your forte as a monk player in D&D 5e, then wielding the Japanese weapon Jitte might work for you.

Known for its ability to disarm opponents, this single-pronged truncheon can be a game-changer when dealing with armed enemies.

While your opponents reach for their fallen weapons, you are free to strike critical blows or retreat to a safer location.

Although a Jitte deals only 1d4 bludgeoning damage (similar to a dart), its main appeal is the tactical avenues it opens up during combat.

A successful attack with this instrument could disarm your opponent, providing you with an advantage and putting your adversary at a disadvantage.


When it comes to close combat situations in D&D 5e, few weapons are as effective and dependable as the Tonfa. A traditional Okinawan weapon that provides substantial power without compromising precision or defense.


Its unique design allows for striking, blocking and whipping actions that maximize damage (1d6 bludgeoning) and confound opponents.

Its compact size makes it highly maneuverable during fast-paced melee encounters — something Monks can fully exploit thanks to their martial prowess.

Three-Section Staff

This flexible weapon takes the principle of the quarterstaff to new heights in D&D 5e—literally making three sections out of one staff.

Linked by chains or rope allows each section of the staff move independently or together thus creating unpredictability in battle — fortress for any offensive or defensive manoeuvers you execute as a Monk character.

The potential damage output ranges from solid 1d6-1d8 bludgeoning depending on whether you use one hand or two—it’s a versatile weapon that adapts to the circumstance, just like a monk should!

War fan

At first glance, you might mistake this weapon for a harmless accessory.

War fan

In reality, War fans in D&D 5e are lethal tools that perfectly encapsulate a Monk’s strategic elegance and deception.

It might deal only 1d4 bludgeoning damage, but its real beauty is in its all-in-one offense-defense versatility.

Acting both as a defensive tool deflecting attacks and an assault instrument slicing through enemy defenses – The War fan provides an advantage where subtlety is more desired than outright force.

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Be warned, the Tekko-kagi is not for the faint of heart. Traditionally used in ninja warfare, this weapon is perfect for bold monk characters who aren’t afraid to get up close and personal.

Its wickedly curved claws can deal significant damage and render an opponent’s weapons useless with a successful disarm.

A flurry of attacks using the Tekko-kagi can be devastating in battle, dishing out swift slashing damage to adversaries. It leaves little room for defense. So keep that Dexterity high.


For a pure show of strength, look no further than the Tetsubo. This mighty war club is essentially a two-handed maul covered in iron studs—a Warhammer on steroids! Its brute force can easily crush armor and splinter shields.


The Tetsubo deals significant bludgeoning damage upon impact, making it effective against heavily armored enemies.

Monks with a high Strength score could benefit vastly from wielding this intimidating weapon.


The Naginata presents a mix of range, versatility, and agility that’s hard to compete with.

Often likened to a hybrid between spear and sword, it packs reach with its elegant blade fixed atop long-shaft comparison.

Used skillfully, Naginatas can deliver lethal slashing attacks that decimate your enemies before they even close-in—ideal for monks prioritizing distance strategy.


The Yari is a versatile polearm best suited to monks wanting tactical options in battles. It’s essentially a spear designed for thrusting and stabbing attacks at range—excellent at pinpointing weaknesses in opponents’ defenses or taking down fast-moving targets due to its profound reach attribute.



Unpredictability is the Kusarigama’s calling card—an unusual combination of sickle (kama) and weighted chain (kusari). This weapon offers an impeccable blend of close-quarters and ranged combative capabilities.

If your monk enjoys tripping foes or likes to keep out of arm’s reach rather than in-your-face brawling, Kusarigama could be an exciting choice!


For a little bit of rogue flair, consider the Kyoketsu-shoge—a curved blade attached to a rope with a metal ring on the end. It rewards creativity in battle.

Kyoketsu shoge

You can employ it as a mid-range weapon, or use it in your deceptive strategies—swiftly ensnaring enemies before moving for the kill.

Not as straightforward as some other weapons, but utterly captivating for high-skilled individuals.

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FAQs about monk weapons 5e

Can Monks in D&D use any weapon?

As per 5e rules, Monks can use simple weapons and short words, with their bare hands being just as lethal thanks to martial arts skills. They can’t, however, use heavy or two-handed melee weapons.

Are there any restrictions on Monk’s weapon choice?

Monks generally favor light and versatile weapons like quarterstaffs or shortswords, as they need to be agile and swift. Heavy or two-handed weapons can interfere with their special martial arts abilities.

How do Monk’s unarmed strikes perform compared to armed ones?

While starting from low damage – 1d4 at level one – a Monk’s unarmed strike continuously increases as they gain levels until they reach a staggering 1d10.

Can a monk fight well with finesse weapons?

Absolutely! In fact, finesse property allows monks to use either Strength or Dexterity modifiers depending on their preference during combat providing them more flexibility.

Should I choose weapon damage over utility for my monk in D&D 5e?

It completely depends on your gaming style and strategy in combat situations. Striking a balance between the capability of your chosen weapon and how well it integrates into your Monk abilities is crucial.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
