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Beholder 5E Monster [Strengths, Weaknesses, And Tactics]

Beholder 5E
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 10/21/2023
Est. Reading: 8 minutes

Immerse yourself in the world of Dungeons & Dragons as we take a moment to dissect one of its most enigmatic and feared creatures.

Let’s discuss the iconic Beholder 5E, a monster that not only captivates players with its intriguing psychology but also its relentless, terrifying power.

From lore to abilities, from strategies to potential tactics, our goal is to help you understand what makes the Beholder such a formidable opponent.

As important as knowing your way around a longsword, learning about these powerful foes will equip you with knowledge essential for any serious adventurer like yourself. So slide your hand crossbow back in its holster; today, we fight with information.

Beholder 5E Attributes

AlignmentLawful Evil
Armor Class18 (natural armor)
Hit Points180 (19d10 + 76)
Speed0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)
SkillsPerception +12
Condition ImmunitiesProne

What are the Special Abilities of Beholder 5E?

The Beholder is a classic monster from the Dungeons & Dragons universe, known for its many eyes and deadly capabilities.

What are the Special Abilities of Beholder 5E?

One of its most distinct abilities is the Antimagic Cone. This ability is not just unique but also plays a crucial role during encounters with this fearsome creature.

Antimagic Cone

The Antimagic Cone is a signature ability of the Beholder. Originating from its central eye, this cone nullifies all magic within its area.

Any spell or magical effect that enters or is cast within this cone is suppressed. This means that magic items become ordinary items, spells fizzle out, and summoned creatures might vanish.

For adventurers, this can be particularly dangerous. It not only negates their magical defenses but also renders their magical weapons and items useless. It’s a testament to the Beholder’s innate power and its evolutionary advantage in a world filled with magic.

However, it’s worth noting that the Beholder’s eye rays, emitted from its many smaller eyes, are unaffected by its Antimagic Cone. This makes it even more formidable, as while it suppresses the magic of its foes, it continues to unleash its magical attacks.

When planning to face a Beholder, adventurers need to be strategic. Staying out of the Antimagic Cone’s direct path and using non-magical means of attack can be crucial to survival.

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Legendary Actions of Beholder 5E

The Beholder is not just feared for its standard abilities but also its Legendary Actions. These are special actions that the creature can take outside its normal turn, making it even more unpredictable and dangerous. Two of its most notable Legendary Actions are the Bite and Eye Rays.


The Beholder’s bite might seem less intimidating compared to its magical abilities, but it’s a grave mistake to underestimate it. With a large, gaping maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, the Beholder can inflict significant damage.

When cornered or when an enemy comes too close, the Beholder might opt to bite, delivering a powerful and painful chomp. Adventurers should be wary and maintain distance to avoid becoming a meal for this monstrous creature.

Eye Rays

Perhaps the most iconic aspect of the Beholder is its many eyes, each capable of emitting a different magical ray. These Eye Rays are not just diverse but also deadly.

With a random choice from beams that can petrify, disintegrate, charm, or even put adversaries to sleep, the Beholder becomes an unpredictable opponent.

Each of its smaller eyes can target independently, allowing it to tackle multiple threats simultaneously. It’s crucial for adventurers to always be on their guard.

The combination of these rays, coupled with the Antimagic Cone from its central eye, makes the Beholder a master of both offensive and defensive magic.

How Many Eyes Does Beholder 5E Have?

In the mystical world of Dungeons & Dragons, the Beholder stands out not just for its formidable abilities but also for its distinctive appearance, dominated by its many eyes.

How Many Eyes Does Beholder 5E Have?

Specifically, the Beholder possesses ten eyestalks and a single, larger central eye.

Central Eye

The Central Eye of the Beholder is its most dominant feature. Larger than the rest, this eye produces an Antimagic Cone, a powerful ability that nullifies all magic in its path.

While the other eyes unleash various magical rays, the central eye ensures that magic from adversaries is suppressed, making it a strategic tool in battles.

Charm Eye

The Charm Eye has the power to bend the will of those it targets. Emitting a magical ray, it can force individuals to see the Beholder as a friend, making them act favorably towards it. This can turn allies into foes, disrupting strategies and causing chaos among adventuring parties.

Paralyzing Eye

A glance from the Paralyzing Eye can freeze adversaries in their tracks. The ray emitted from this eye can immobilize creatures, rendering them helpless and unable to act. This is especially dangerous when combined with other eye abilities or attacks from the Beholder’s allies.

Fear Eye

The Fear Eye instills sheer terror in its targets. Those hit by its ray may find themselves overwhelmed with panic, causing them to flee or act irrationally. This can be tactically advantageous for the Beholder, as panicked enemies are easier to defeat.

Slowing Eye

Time seems to crawl for those targeted by the Slowing Eye. Its ray reduces the speed of its victims, making them sluggish and less responsive. This not only diminishes their effectiveness in combat but also makes them easy targets for other attacks.

Enervation Eye

The Enervation Eye saps the life force of those it gazes upon. Its ray weakens creatures, causing them to feel drained and lessened in vitality. Over time, this can severely reduce an adversary’s ability to continue fighting.

Telekinetic Eye

Defying the laws of physics, the Telekinetic Eye can move objects and creatures without touching them. With a mere glance, the Beholder can lift, pull, or push targets, using them as weapons or placing them in difficult situations.

Sleep Eye

The lulling power of the Sleep Eye can send adversaries into a deep slumber. Regardless of how alert or prepared they might be, a successful hit from this ray can take them out of the fight, making them vulnerable to further harm.

Petrification Eye

Turning flesh to stone is the specialty of the Petrification Eye. Its ray can solidify creatures, rendering them immobile and turning them into statues. This not only hinders them but can also be a grim fate if a cure isn’t found.

Death Eye

Perhaps the most dreaded of all, the Death Eye can end life with a single look. Its ray is fatal, and those targeted by it can find themselves on the brink of death or entirely extinguished. Facing this eye requires utmost caution and courage.

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Abilities: Beholder 5E

In the Dungeons & Dragons universe, the Beholder is not only remarkable for its myriad of eyes and the powers it possesses but also for its innate abilities.

Each of these attributes plays a significant role in shaping the Beholder’s capabilities and the way it interacts with its environment and adversaries.


With a Strength score of 10 (+0), the Beholder might not seem exceptionally strong. Its levitating form and reliance on its eyes mean it doesn’t need great physical might.

When it does choose to engage physically, such as with its bite, it’s still a force to be reckoned with, holding its own in combat situations.


Sporting a Dexterity score of 14 (+2), the Beholder exhibits agility and quick reflexes. This is crucial for its floating movement, allowing it to maneuver in combat and evade attacks deftly. Its multiple eyes swiveling in various directions also benefit from this skill.


The Beholder’s robustness is evident with its Constitution score of 18 (+4). This resilience ensures that it can endure sustained attacks and adverse conditions. It’s a testament to the Beholder’s hardy nature, enabling it to dominate many adversaries and terrains.


With an Intelligence score of 17 (+3), the Beholder is no mere beast but a creature of considerable intellect. It’s capable of strategic thinking, understanding complex situations, and even displaying a degree of cunning that can catch many adversaries off-guard.


A Wisdom score of 15 (+2) grants the Beholder good judgment and perceptiveness. It’s not easily fooled and is highly aware of its surroundings. This heightened intuition complements its array of eye abilities, making it a discerning and formidable opponent.


The Beholder’s Charisma score is 17 (+3), reflecting its dominating presence and force of personality. Even beyond its terrifying appearance, there’s an inherent aura about the Beholder that can influence and intimidate those around it. This can be especially felt when it attempts to charm or manipulate foes.

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Saving Throws of Beholder 5E

In the realm of Dungeons & Dragons, saving throws determine a creature’s ability to resist specific effects, often spells or special attacks.

Saving Throws of Beholder 5E

For the Beholder, its distinct attributes and keen senses give it a particular advantage in certain saving throws, making it even more formidable.


With an Intelligence saving throw bonus of +8, the Beholder showcases its cognitive prowess. This high bonus indicates its resistance to effects that try to baffle or manipulate its mind.

Spells or abilities that challenge its intellect or attempt to cloud its judgment will make it challenging to take hold of such a sharp-minded creature.


Boasting a Wisdom saving throw of +7, the Beholder demonstrates its keen sense of awareness and intuition. This saving throw helps it resist effects that might deceive its senses or disrupt its perceptions.

It’s a testament to the Beholder’s innate ability to discern the true nature of things and not be easily swayed.


A Charisma saving throw of +8 reflects the Beholder’s forceful personality and dominating presence. Such a high bonus in this domain means that attempts to subdue its will or diminish its imposing aura often falter.

The Beholder remains steadfast in its resolve and continues to exude its inherent influence over its environment and adversaries.

Best Senses of Beholder 5E

In the intricate tapestry of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, the Beholder is not just defined by its myriad eye abilities but also by its heightened senses.

These senses play a pivotal role in the Beholder’s ability to perceive its surroundings and detect threats, making it an even more formidable opponent.


Possessing Darkvision up to 120 ft., the Beholder isn’t hindered by darkness. This capability allows it to see in complete blackness as if it were in dim light, turning night into day.

Such an advantage is particularly beneficial in caves, dungeons, or during nighttime, ensuring that adversaries can’t use darkness as a cover against it.

Passive Perception

With a Passive Perception score of 22, the Beholder is exceptionally alert and observant. This score determines how well the creature can notice things without actively searching.

A score of 22 is notably high, indicating the Beholder’s inherent ability to detect hidden threats, hear concealed movements, or sense subtle disturbances in its environment. Adventurers would find it challenging to sneak up on or surprise such a vigilant creature.

Which Languages Does Beholder 5E Use?

The Beholder, a creature of immense complexity and intrigue in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, communicates using specific languages that reflect its origins and the dark domains it often inhabits.

The Beholder is fluent in Deep Speech and Undercommon.

Deep Speech is a language of the aberrations, a tongue that originates from the far realms of the universe. It’s often associated with entities and creatures that are beyond the ordinary, hinting at the Beholder’s otherworldly nature.

Undercommon, on the other hand, is the trade language of the Underdark. It’s a dialect spoken by various denizens of the deep, including drow, duergar, and other subterranean creatures.

Given the Beholder’s frequent habitation in the dark recesses of the world, it’s no surprise that it’s proficient in this language.

These linguistic abilities further underline the Beholder’s adaptability and its role as a dominant creature in the intricate web of the D&D cosmos.

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FAQs about Beholder 5E

What is the origin of the Beholder in D&D?

The Beholder is an iconic monster in D&D, originating from the game’s earliest editions, representing alien and aberrant evil.

Can you play as a Beholder in Dungeons & Dragons 5E?

Typically, Beholders are NPCs and adversaries, but with a creative DM and appropriate game adjustments, anything’s possible!

Are all Beholders hostile towards adventurers?

While many Beholders are hostile, each one is unique, and some might be indifferent or even amenable to negotiation, depending on their paranoia and goals.

How do Beholders reproduce?

Beholders reproduce asexually, often dreaming another Beholder into existence, reflecting their fears and thoughts.

Is there a hierarchy or society among Beholders?

Beholders are typically solitary due to their extreme paranoia, believing their perspective and form to be the epitome of perfection, leading them to distrust or despise even other Beholders.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
