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War Of The Visions Tier List (September 2024) Best UR Units

FFBE War Of The Visions Tier List (2023) Best UR Units
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 07/23/2023
Est. Reading: 5 minutes

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a tactical RPG with a 3D, grid-based map and tactical combat. Players have a large pool of units to choose from, making it difficult to figure out which are the best. To help make this decision easier, we’ve compiled a War of the Visions tier list ranking all the units from best to weakest.

This will provide players with an easy way to decide which unit to use in the game. With this information in hand, players will be able to choose their team with confidence and compete against other players.

Also Useful: FFBE – Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List (2024)

War Of The Vision Tier List (September 2024)

The first step towards success in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is picking the right units. Our War of the Visions tier list narrows down all the units into five categories – S+, S, A, B, and C based on their usefulness in battle.

War Of The Vision Tier List (2023)

In this War of the Visions tier list, we’ve included all the available units from UR, MR, and SR. We’ve also mentioned each character rarity with its name in the tier list which will help players to decide on their team in a better way.

War Of The Vision S+ Tier List (2024)

In the War of the Vision S+ tier list, we have included the most outstanding units which definitely aim to fill your team. These units don’t need anyone else to shine and will be able to carry the team on their own.

War Of The Vision S+ Tier List (2023)
  • Noctis – UR
  • Salire – MR
  • Oberon Heindler – UR
  • Psaro – UR
  • Tifa (FFVII) – UR
  • Velis – UR
  • Cloud (FFVII) – UR
  • Y’shtola – MR
  • Sephiroth – UR
  • Salire (Valentine) – UR
  • Golbez – UR
  • Aranea – UR
  • Starlight Elena – UR
  • Elsirelle (Summer) – UR
  • Amnelis – UR
  • Mont Leonis – MR
  • Jume – UR
  • Locke – UR
  • Astrius – UR
  • Prene – UR
  • Yuffie – UR
  • Glaciela (Flagbearer of Reform) – UR
  • Helena (Black-Robed Witch) – UR
  • Grace – UR
  • Glaciela (Regalia) – UR
  • Alstoria – UR
  • Prompto – UR
  • Ranan – UR
  • Mont (King of Leonis) – UR
  • Duane – UR
  • Goffard Gaffgarion – MR
  • Celes – UR
  • Helena – UR
  • Yuna – UR

Also Related: FEH Tier List (2024)

War Of The Vision S Tier List (2024)

The best units that War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius has to offer are included in the S tier list. These units will be able to fill up your team and provide you with an edge over other players.

War Of The Vision S Tier List (2023)
  • Alphonse Elric – UR
  • Fryevia – UR
  • Rafale – UR
  • Kitone – UR
  • Warrior of Light – UR
  • Cherise – UR
  • Glaciela (Dress Up) – UR
  • Luartha (Winter) – UR
  • Jayden Rundall – UR
  • 9S – UR
  • Rairyuu – MR
  • Viktora (Winter) – UR
  • Raviesse (Winter) – UR
  • Bellis – UR
  • 2B – UR
  • Sterne Leonis (Knight of Ruin) – UR
  • Eliza – UR
  • Lara Croft – UR
  • Macherie (Winter) – UR
  • Tidus – UR
  • Ildyra – UR
  • Gilgamesh – UR
  • Auron – UR
  • Phoebe – SR
  • Snow – UR
  • Ibara – UR
  • Joker – UR
  • Kilphe (Summer Swimsuit) – UR
  • Zoma – UR
  • Cetia – UR
  • Zazan the Unkillable – UR
  • Charlotte – UR
  • Violet – UR
  • Resnick – UR
  • Cowell – UR
  • Edward Elric – UR
  • Moore – UR
  • Kilphe (Summer) – UR
  • Macherie (Queen of Hourne) – UR

War Of The Vision A Tier List (2024)

The war of the Vision A tier list contains middle-of-the-pack units that aren’t the most reliable but are still average enough to be used in your team.

War Of The Vision A Tier List (2023)
  • Kain – UR
  • Aerith – UR
  • Kitone (Summer Swimsuit) – UR
  • Moore – UR
  • Louelle – UR
  • Loreila – MR
  • Engelbert – UR
  • Grace – MR
  • Raviesse – MR
  • Rain – UR
  • Little Leela (Halloween) – UR
  • Ramada – MR
  • Resol – UR
  • Adelard – MR
  • Lasswell – UR
  • Margritte – MR
  • Viktora – UR
  • Mediena – UR
  • Seymore – MR
  • Lameiga – UR
  • Schuzelt – MR
  • Verlic – UR
  • Falm – UR
  • Khury Wezette – MR
  • Frederika – UR
  • Remure – UR
  • Muraga Fennes – UR
  • Salire (Sweetheart) – UR
  • Velric – UR
  • Whisper (Sasayaki) – UR
  • Meriluke – MR
  • Helena Leonis – MR
  • Minwu – UR
  • Fina – MR
  • Vinera (Winter) – UR
  • Garvall – UR
  • Sakura – UR
  • Owe – MR
  • Sterne Leonis – UR
  • Barret – UR
  • Velne – UR
  • Camillo – UR
  • Glaciela Wezette – UR
  • Lorenzo – MR
  • Corwell – UR
  • Niv’Lu – UR
  • Dario Hourne – MR
  • Xiza – UR
  • Queen – UR
  • Lilyth (Summer Swimsuit)- UR
  • Shadowlynx – MR
  • Valouch – UR
  • Robb Hourne – UR
  • Gargas – UR
  • Vinera Fennes – UR
  • Lemuré – UR
  • Elsirelle – UR
  • Nasha – MR
  • Ayaka – UR

War Of The Vision B Tier List (2024)

The War of the Vision B tier list includes not-so-viable or reliable units which have some drawbacks that make them less useful in battle. These should only be used as a last resort.

War Of The Vision B Tier List (2023)
  • Ramada (Winter) – UR
  • Cadia – MR
  • Delita Heiral – UR
  • Lu’cia – UR
  • Ramza Beoulve – UR
  • Kilphe – UR
  • Cecil (Paladin) – UR
  • Yerma – UR
  • Kitone (Summer) – UR
  • Agrias Oaks – UR
  • Aileen – UR
  • Tyrrell – MR
  • Lucio – UR
  • Oldoa – UR
  • Cidolfus Orlandeau – UR
  • Rairyuu (Halloween) – UR
  • Rhaldor – UR
  • Oelde Leonis – UR
  • Vistralle – MR
  • Luartha – UR
  • Mustadio Bunanza – MR
  • Miranda – UR
  • Howlet – UR
  • Lilyth (Summer) – UR
  • Mariale – MR
  • Macherie Hourne – UR

War Of The Vision C Tier List (2024)

The War of the Visions C tier list encompasses the weakest units in the game. These should be avoided as much as possible and only used if absolutely necessary.

War Of The Vision C Tier List (2023)
  • Rosa – UR
  • Little Leela – SR
  • Yuni – SR
  • Murmur – SR
  • Skahal – UR
  • Severo – SR
  • Naiah – SR
  • Serjes – SR
  • Vadim – SR
  • Vallaide – SR
  • Baelo – SR
  • Sosha – SR
  • Thancred – UR

Also Check: Shining Beyond Tier List (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best units in the War of the Visions tier list?

The best units in the War of the Visions tier list are Sephiroth, Psaro, and Astrius. These three will provide you with an edge over other players and help you win battles.

2. Is using a C-tier unit in my team a bad idea?

Using C-tier units in your team is generally not recommended as they are considered to be the weakest units available. If you are masterful enough to make them work, then you can definitely try, but it is generally better to stay away from them.

3. How often this War of the Visions tier list is updated?

This War of the Vision tier list is updated on a regular basis to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. Whenever new units are released, they will be added to the tier list.

4. Is using a tier list consider cheating?

No, using our War of the Visions tier list is not considered cheating. It is simply a tool to help players make informed decisions about the units they should use in the game.

Check More: Disgaea RPG Tier List (2024)

Final Words

We hope that our War of the Visions tier list has been helpful in guiding your team-building decisions. With this information, you can now make informed choices about which units to include in your team and enjoy the game to the fullest. Good luck!


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
